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 Text problems

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Text problems

on Friday, October, 14, 2005 2:50 PM
I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but I'm having trouble with missing text. Meaning when I go into options and go over a setting, only a small part of the text will appear. Also subtitles only show a few letters. not to mention when I need to talk to some1...

Could anyone please help me on this>


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Re: Text problems

on Friday, October, 14, 2005 4:18 PM

Are you talking about this site? The Tron DVD? What text are you talking about?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Text problems

on Friday, October, 14, 2005 4:26 PM

I think he's talking about the game. I've heard of this problem before. Someone told me he solved it by downgrading his drivers (rather than upgrading to the latest). He had a GeForce 2 card, I think, and the latest Forceware drivers didn't work well for him. Switching to older ones that came with his card, eliminated the problem.

Not the greatest solution, of course. But it's an option.

Of course, if I knew more about what hardware you have DeathBri: I might be able to give better advice.

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Re: Text problems

on Friday, October, 14, 2005 5:13 PM
redrain85 Wrote:

I think he's talking about the game.

My bad. I came into the post off the main page and saw only "General Discussion".

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Re: Text problems

on Saturday, October, 15, 2005 12:21 PM
I have a Duron900 with a Geforce FX5500 (256 Vram)

The ideea that you mentioned went through my head also, so I installed a 66.81 Detonator, but still didn't work. I think I'll try to get an even older one...hope that it will recognize my card though..where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


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Re: Text problems

on Sunday, October, 16, 2005 12:05 PM
Well after trying 10 different Drivers, I managed to get the game going with the 56.72_winxp2k_english_whql.exe. It's 2 years old so no other games will run on it (.

I hope this game is worth i, cause I'm sacrificing precious time with fifa06, B&W 2 and FEAR...

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Text problems

on Sunday, October, 16, 2005 11:33 PM

Hmm, that kind of sucks. There has to be a better way to fix the problem . . . but, I'm glad to hear you got the game working properly.

As for whether the game is worth it: I'll be surprised if you don't like it.

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Text problems

on Monday, October, 17, 2005 4:38 PM

After thinking about the problem for a bit, I've come up with a suggestion.

DeathBri, whenever you decide to go back to the latest drivers . . . try this, and then run Tron again. See if the text is still messed up.

There's an option in the control panel for the drivers called Texel Origin. It's in the Advanced settings, under Performance and Quality options. There should be an option labelled More 3D, and that's where you'll find the Texel Origin setting. See if it's set to the upper-left corner. If not, change it to that.

In the ATI drivers it's called Alternate Pixel Center . . . same idea. It shifts the position that the letters are drawn, and might cure the missing text.

Don't leave it there, though. Set it back the way it was when you're done, because it might affect other games negatively.



Posts: 0
Re: Text problems

on Tuesday, October, 18, 2005 1:30 AM
speak of the devil, I just upgraded my video to a nforce 6600 GT, and I went to play tron, no video in a matter of 20 seconds. (after I tried upgrading to a nice mobo, and it had a bad bios, toasted my dvd cdr/w, I'm pissed). I'll let you know if I figure out what's up with the video. I had a sound error message, but I disabled the sound and I got my screen back. I'm about to look again, so I'll let you know if there's a sound bug associated with my video bug.


Posts: 0
Re: Text problems

on Tuesday, October, 18, 2005 1:44 AM
no video. maybe It's time for a full system upgrade. hopefully the problem is my msi delta board. (I blew the sound playing the tron 2.0 soundtrack. I dont recommend turning a old 400w stereo full blast using your computer).

LOL. but it was fine for a long time, very wierd.... gotta love building computers.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Text problems

on Tuesday, October, 18, 2005 3:18 AM

Well, forget what I said about the Texel Origin setting. Nvidia removed that option in the newer driver sets. So ironically, you have to go back to older drivers to get that feature . . . and you're back to square one.

Another thing I just read about, is to try turning off Anti-Aliasing and setting Anisotropic Filtering to 2X on the latest drivers. It may help with the text. But, it seems way too simple a solution. It couldn't be that simple, could it?

Jademz Wrote:no video. maybe It's time for a full system upgrade. hopefully the problem is my msi delta board. (I blew the sound playing the tron 2.0 soundtrack. I dont recommend turning a old 400w stereo full blast using your computer).
Man . . . sorry to hear that, Jade.

I had something like this happen to me recently. I put aside an older motherboard and processor, then dug it out again after several months. Can you guess what happened when I hooked it up again and tried it out? Didn't work properly any more. I mean, what the hell? All it did was sit in a box for a few months, and it stops working. And believe me, I checked everything . . . it made absolutely no sense.

I guess the grid bugs took over, while I wasn't looking.



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Re: Text problems

on Tuesday, October, 18, 2005 10:14 PM
yea, I know how that is. But I dont give up. I set a malfuctioning part onto a surface about 120 deg. F. and leave it for about 10 minutes or so, and bammo. sometimes it works for a while if it's not humid. And my mobo is on RMA, so I'll see if it's the vcard on another CPU.

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