Red5 User
Posts: 29 | Flynn's Jacket - again on Monday, July, 11, 2005 11:59 PM
Finally back on broadband; if anyone can upload my photograph of my Flynn's jacket, please PM me and I'll send it across. I've been going on about it for ages - be good to let you all see it.
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: Flynn's Jacket - again on Wednesday, July, 13, 2005 12:54 PM
Here's Red5's pictures of his Flynn Jacket:
Surk User
Posts: 259 | Re: Flynn's Jacket - again on Wednesday, July, 13, 2005 2:07 PM
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"How many times have I died now?" |
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Flynn's Jacket - again on Wednesday, July, 13, 2005 5:47 PM
So is this THE jacket Flynn wore in the film, or just a reasonable facsimile? Either of which are good, but one better than the other! where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online DaveTRON
Red5 User
Posts: 29 | Re: Flynn's Jacket - again on Wednesday, July, 13, 2005 7:15 PM
It's not the original, sadly; however Hilary MacDonald - a costume designer who works freelance for TV and film over here in the UK - was the person who made it for me. All she had to go on was grainy footage of the jacket from an old VHS tape recorded (probably) in the late 80's. Which is a wee bit of a shame, because having studied the DVD we could have improved it tenfold. That said, it's still a very good likeness and a good jacket to wear round town. Unfortunately no Tron fan has come up to me yet and said "Hey, I recognise that."
Thanks for putting the pix up, boingo. If I ever get round to photographing and scanning my "Flynn's (top half) cat suit" I'll be sure to email it to you. It's the most real-looking version of the suit I've ever seen (no offence to those who have made fan-made costumes) but I think I need to lose a few pounds before wearing it in public. And unlike the jacket, even non-fans of Tron say "where on earth did you get that?"
Thanks for looking y'all!