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 Partial sound loss

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Partial sound loss

on Wednesday, October, 20, 2004 10:45 PM
I am in the middle of restoring a tron machine with partial sound loss. As an avide game palyer, I am well aware of the coresct sounds of playing the game, and notices some sounds from the game were "missing". When running a sounds system test from the diagnostics menu, I found that sound channels 1,2,3 are producing no sound, but 4,5,6 are working just fine. Any ideas?



Joey Connelly

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Re: Partial sound loss

on Saturday, September, 24, 2005 3:25 AM
Since you're getting sound out of half of the channels, it seems like your sound board is okay. Therefore, the problem is most likely a result of one of the two sound channel chips on the main PCB being bad.

On the top PCB (the first one you see when you look in through the back of the cab), there are two 40-pin chips labeled "SOUND AY-3-8910" that you need to check out. One chip handles sound channels 1-3, while the other handles channels 4-6. Obviously, one of those two chips has gone bad (a pretty common situation).

I have a spare one that I can sell you for $10 (that includes S/H) if you're interested.

~ Joey's Arcade ~
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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 Partial sound loss