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 Are the resource file formats published?

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Posts: 194
Are the resource file formats published?

on Friday, September, 10, 2004 8:11 PM
Not having any editors available in Mac OS X, are there any tools or any way to extract the graphics and sounds/music from the same resource files? If the file formats are known, I'd like to play with resource extraction.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Are the resource file formats published?

on Friday, September, 10, 2004 9:54 PM

If the editing tools haven't been released for the Mac, then I guess you are out of luck.

Probably the only way you can do it is either by copying the .REZ files that came with the game onto a PC with the editing tools installed, or using Virtual PC on the Mac.


Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: Are the resource file formats published?

on Saturday, September, 11, 2004 12:14 AM
redrain85 Wrote:

If the editing tools haven't been released for the Mac
I doubt the tools were ever converted to the Macintosh since there is no need to do it just to port the game.


Posts: 0
Re: Are the resource file formats published?

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 9:15 AM
I believe there must be some MAC tools for SHOGO, right? TRON 2.0 uses the same, slightly modified, engine. I've confirmed that fact (as most probably have most of You around here), and SHOGO tools work well with the .REZ files.

Just search around the 'net to find a port of those, or something someone created from scratch to edit .rez files. I'm sure You may find something useful.

So far, only this topic pops out (the only one connected here):
You know, they had to create some tools in order to release SHOGO on Mac, right? Perhaps we can bull the people responsible for Dragon UnPacker to actually make a Mac port??

Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: Are the resource file formats published?

on Thursday, September, 16, 2004 6:26 PM
Egon_Freeman Wrote:SHOGO, right? TRON 2.0 uses the same, slightly modified, engine.
No, the engine for Tron 2.0 is vastly different although the REZ file format has remained the same.

You know, they had to create some tools in order to release SHOGO on Mac, right?
No. The tools don't need to be ported to port the game, and I seriously doubt the developers would waste the considerable time and effort to do so.

It is certainly possible to write a REZ file utility for the Macintosh however I know of none which already exists.


Posts: 0
Re: Are the resource file formats published?

on Friday, September, 24, 2004 3:12 PM
The only thing a MAC is good for is printing and visual artwork anyway- why get one for tron 2.0?order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

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  Tron 2.0 
 Are the resource file formats published?