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 Selling Collection

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Posts: 5,314
Selling Collection

on Tuesday, August, 03, 2004 11:45 PM
I have a new goal in life and it requires that I sell some of my TRON collection.

I plan to put the stuff on Ebay, but I was wondering if any of you would be interested in taking a first swing at the list?

If I were to post a list with prices would any of you be interested?

This might be a chance to bag some unique TRON items.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Sector Admin

Posts: 413
Re: Selling Collection

on Wednesday, August, 04, 2004 4:42 AM
I would !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982
Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: Selling Collection

on Wednesday, August, 04, 2004 7:36 PM
I hope you're not selling the "Laser Cycle" that you just bought from me.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 5,314
Re: Selling Collection

on Wednesday, August, 04, 2004 9:23 PM
Nope. That's staying.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online



Posts: 5,314
Re: Selling Collection

on Thursday, August, 05, 2004 2:10 PM
OK, scrap that plan. No interest at all (except for the obvious parties).



Posts: 1,230
Re: Selling Collection

on Thursday, August, 05, 2004 3:03 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:I have a new goal in life and it requires that I sell some of my TRON collection..

Would it be polite to ask what that new goal is? I must admite I'm curious.

DaveTRON Wrote:I plan to put the stuff on Ebay, but I was wondering if any of you would be interested in taking a first swing at the list?

If I were to post a list with prices would any of you be interested?

This might be a chance to bag some unique TRON items.

I'm certainly interested. I didn't say anything before as I just wasn't sure what might be on that list.

I would assume its safe to assume you aren't parting with the folder given to you by Syd Mead with pre-production materials in it. If so I'm still interested in seeing his alphabet talked about here:
I've got the copy of his numerals here:
but I'd love to frame either of these originals should they ever be offered. Not that I expect them to be but I didn't know you had them before you mentioned them above. I'm sure their are many other items that I'm not aware of that could be on your list as well that would really capture my interest but that's hard to say without seeing the list.

At the very least I'd say please post a link to your auctions here when you post them as I generally don't go to eBay unless I'm looking for something that I can't find anywhere else.

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Posts: 3,488
Re: Selling Collection

on Friday, August, 06, 2004 1:33 AM
I've got interest, but I'm currently spending my money on fixing my pc. :/

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.

The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: Selling Collection

on Monday, August, 09, 2004 3:10 AM
I'd have interest!

I just saw this thread, so my apologies for the late post!

Give us a list of what you'd like to sell and potential prices!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 5,314
Re: Selling Collection

on Monday, August, 09, 2004 1:49 PM
I am still considering my options. More as I come to a conclusion.



Posts: 4
Re: Selling Collection

on Thursday, August, 26, 2004 4:58 PM

I've been away from the boards for a bit and didn't see your initial post. I'm sad to hear that you are contemplating selling a few things. Hopefully your decision is more of a space related issue and not a monetary one. If it is the latter, I hope things work out for you.

If you are thinking of selling your coke cup & pitcher set, you know I would be interested. Originally I had planned to bid $80.01 on the set w/ the extras but after talking to you I didn't bid and the set went for a song (I never did get that thank you card ). If possible please send your tentative list my way. I'm sure there are several things on it that I could use. I don't have quite as many irons in the fire these days and would be able to take care of things a little quicker this time .

-Timothy C.
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Posts: 5,314
Re: Selling Collection

on Thursday, August, 26, 2004 7:15 PM
I have delayed any decisions on this until I work out a few other things. If I do decide to go ahead with it, I will post here with the details.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill



Posts: 3,301
Re: Selling Collection

on Saturday, August, 28, 2004 4:19 PM
Hey there- Yeah, sorry, I didn't see this thread until now. I hope you get to keep all your Tron things, but if you do ever want or need to sell anything, be sure to let us all know here. Maybe by posting on the "current news" section, too.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
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 Selling Collection