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 The corrupted wish game!

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Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, November, 25, 2004 3:33 PM
But the Enterprise explodes and turns in to an Enter prize for pressing Enter a lot.

I wish for a banana peel.


What should I put here today?

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, November, 25, 2004 5:10 PM
but you slip on it.

i wish i had a tron action figure


Posts: 5,314
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, November, 25, 2004 7:41 PM
But the small parts force a recall so you can't have one.

I wish I hadn't eaten so much dang turkey today!



Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, November, 25, 2004 11:45 PM
you didn't eat so much dang turkey... you ate so much dang asparagus!

I wish for the illegaization of smelly carpeting!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 2:23 AM
You get the illegalization of smelly carpet, but then it smells like a perfectly clean hospital everywhere you go.

I wish I had my own big-screen movie theater and a professional movie reel of TRON, so I could watch it on the big-screen any time.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 2:59 AM
you get your own big-screen movie theater and a professional movie reel of TRON- only to find out it comes with two dozen of loud-talking, smoking, mohawk wearing punks who had elected it as their hangout.

I wish I could spend New Year's Eve in New York and look at the fireworks from the penthouse suite of the Waldorf Astoria.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion

CalvinSpiff II

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 8:31 AM
You get your wish, but it's on the Empire State Building instead!

I wish I didn't need to use a can opener to open tins of soup.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


I'm coming for you, people! You thought you'd defeated me, but I'm still here! I will kill you all! MWAHAHAH *cough wheeze* HAHAHA *hack cough* argh.


Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 9:43 AM
You get your wish, only to find the only soup now available is Gazpacho!

I wish for three more wishes.


Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 4:29 PM
You get your three more wishes, but they must be used for more of the same wish, thus you recieve infinite unusable wishes!

I wish for a nice 48" plasma HDTV.

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Tuesday, December, 14, 2004 10:56 PM
You get your nice 48" plasma HDTV, but it crashes to the ground and busts the screen when you try to take it out of the box. Thus, you can only hear the audio.

I wish this corrupted wish game would go for another 50 years here at the tron-sector.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Wednesday, December, 15, 2004 10:31 AM
You get your wish, only it becomes the ONLY active thread on the site, making us all sad to see our wishes corrupted!

I wish I had my own lifesize Maximillian robot from The Black Hole to take out all who oppose me!!!

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Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Wednesday, December, 15, 2004 11:39 AM

You get your wish, only the Maximillian Robot seems to have taken on the teachings of Ghandi, and chooses to prefer to solve problems through non-violent means, and ends up spending his days organizing peace rallys.

I wish for "The Clapper" to solve my problems with operating light switches.


Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Wednesday, December, 15, 2004 3:00 PM
Traahn Wrote:I wish this corrupted wish game would go for another 50 years here at the tron-sector.
It very well may...

Anyway, Boingo:
It does, but then you develop problems operating your lungs!

I wish 'War of the Worlds' was real.

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Wednesday, December, 15, 2004 9:55 PM
You get your wish, but the aliens kill us all. Not good.

I wish Amazing Stories, the 1980s Twilight Zone shows and Tales from the Darkside were back on the air. I loved those shows!

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Wednesday, December, 15, 2004 11:11 PM

You get your wish, but they become reality shows starring Paris Hilton, Gilbert Godfied, and Bob Saget.

I wish I was somewhere else.


Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, December, 16, 2004 12:12 AM
You get your wish, but that somewhere else is right in the middle of a path of a herd of rhinos!

I wish Bono of U2 would stop smoking. Actually, I wish he had never smoked.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, December, 16, 2004 5:51 PM
He never smoked, but he also never existed!

I wish for prune juice.

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Thursday, December, 16, 2004 9:17 PM
You get your wish and drink a whole gallon of it, but then you turn into one of those 'Fruit of the Loom' characters.

I wish the Tron 2.0 comic book would have been released.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 0
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Friday, December, 17, 2004 1:51 PM
It was released, but the story and charachter were reworked, making it Tron 2.0: The new Hello Kitty comic book!

I wish for Tron to beat certain people in the head repeatedly.

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 3,301
Re: The corrupted wish game!

on Friday, December, 17, 2004 4:45 PM
You get your wish, but Rex Reed gets his revenge by reviewing Tron again -- this time giving many more negative remarks than before, telling everyone NOT to buy the DVD, and starting a political campaign to burn all remaining copies of it.

I wish Rex Reed would re-think his original Tron review and re-do it, giving it a glowing review the second time around.

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
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