Auric Sector Creator
Posts: 352 | Hola! on Tuesday, March, 30, 2004 9:22 PM
With new Flash based fan films here, and live-action fan films around the corner, it's high time we started talking shop!
Use this forum for an all-purpose fan film chat area.
Dave "Auric" Hernly
Sector Administrator |
Compucore User
Posts: 4,450 | Re: Hola! on Tuesday, March, 30, 2004 9:57 PM
Darn tooten Auric. I've been trying to get some things down to help out on the live one for some voice overs. To ee if they would fit in. once I get a chance. I'm sending them out.
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End of line
To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Hola! on Tuesday, March, 30, 2004 11:56 PM
The Flash film is great!
Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: Hola! on Wednesday, March, 31, 2004 1:11 AM
Yeah, that Flash spoof is awesome! I wish I knew how to do Flash stuff... I wonder how hard it was to learn Flash well enough to make the film.
I've delved a little bit into Shockwave Director, but I think Flash is a bit more complex... no?order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^ |
flynn1978 User
Posts: 1,077 | Re: Hola! on Wednesday, March, 31, 2004 11:17 AM
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"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."
Auric Sector Creator
Posts: 352 | Re: Hola! on Wednesday, March, 31, 2004 11:53 AM
Read the current news post, there is a link to it there.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
Dave "Auric" Hernly
Sector Administrator |
Trace User
Posts: 1,530 | Re: Hola! on Wednesday, March, 31, 2004 12:24 PM
It's perfect! Ever so foilism. abortion pills online cytotec abortion
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Hola! on Wednesday, March, 31, 2004 12:40 PM
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