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 Seeking An Adult TRON Item

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Posts: 5,314
Seeking An Adult TRON Item

on Friday, March, 19, 2004 1:36 AM
First off, this is one of those situations where I want it to be very clear this is a post from me, private citizen.

A year or two ago when my wife and I first got my cable modem installed we got several movie channels. One of which showed those soft-core adult movies late at night.

So I am flipping around the dial and I spot this scene of two people getting together and I notice a TRON machine in the background. So I stopped.

Next thing I know these two people are writhing about on a TRON Arcade unit.

I never did catch the title of the film. I think it could have been Red Shoe Diaries or one of those HBO type series. I want to try to locate this clip as a TRON cultural reference to add to my archive.

I have been hesitant about posting here, but I have tried several other avenues to no avail. I need help seeking this out. I am hoping one of you has seen this and knows the movie title.

So, does anyone else want to admit they watched this movie? Please post if you do.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online



Posts: 231
Re: Seeking An Adult TRON Item

on Friday, March, 19, 2004 9:23 AM
Don't be too embaressed about this. Took me a few weeks to convince my wife the only reason I purchased a OUI and a Penthouse magazine off eBay was due to a couple of articles on arcade games from the early 80's.

People put the wierest 'subjects' in adult oriented content.

Alas, no, I haven't even remotely heard about an adult movie invovling a Tron arcade as a prop.

Happy hunting, however.

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those that don't.

Posts: 5,314
Re: Seeking An Adult TRON Item

on Friday, March, 19, 2004 12:54 PM
Yes, the search for this has already taken me through a few places I don't ever want to go again. I am no prude, but really, some people go too far!



Posts: 206
Re: Seeking An Adult TRON Item

on Saturday, February, 10, 2007 1:06 AM
Found this funny. Yeh, my quest for Sex Trek movies took me to some interesting places.

I love how porn spoofs sci-fi & the humor just SCRAPES the bottom in ways no other media will. Just great! ... and sometimes they put some good special effects in... you know... considering the plot and all.

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 Seeking An Adult TRON Item