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 tron 2.0 geography/time question

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Posts: 382
tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Wednesday, March, 17, 2004 11:59 PM
I have a couple questions that have been nagging at me ever since I first played the game, and which I haven't been able to figure out since.
Where exactly is the Fcon digitization room (i.e. the one with three pads)? I figured they had taken Alan to their offices after leaving the Encom building, but in the cutscene where Jet lets Alan out of the storage room you see an Encom employee talking to an Fcon guy. I remember that at one point you see workers changing the Encom blue walls into the Fcon purple, but if they were just Converting the offices, where did all the datawraith equipment and the digitizing room come from?
That brings me to my other question. How long does the story take in the real world? Was it long enough for them to have built all that new stuff in the Encom building? If that's the case then Jet must have been stuck in the computer for a REALLY long time, and Alan was stuffed in that closet forever
Anyway, if anyone's picked up on something I just haven't noticed before that could answer these questions I love to hear it, or at least your theorys about it.


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Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Thursday, March, 18, 2004 4:00 PM
unless I'm wrong, I belive the takeover of Encom by fCon was almost a year before Tron 2.0 began. unless I'm wrong, you can see Mr. Baza in the opening cutscene, while Jet is on his cell phone.

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 382
Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Thursday, March, 18, 2004 8:29 PM
I don't think it was a year, all the current e-mails you find are dated around march '03 (except for a couple from when Jet was in High school and when Thorne was first starting to spy for Fcon).
Yeah you can see Baza and the others walking behind Jet, but that was right before Alan was Kidnappped.
Actually I was just thinking aout the e-mails, and since they're mostly dated for march of '03 that does indicate the general time frame (no more than a month) and they couldn't have built everything in that time, so I guess I answered that part of my question.
I still don't know where the Fcon Lab is located though. I suppose it could be in another building but there was no sense of them going someplace else.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


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Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Thursday, March, 18, 2004 8:42 PM
perhaps I'm wrong, but in the cutscene when Jet freed Alan, it seemed the Digitizing bay was right near where Alan was being kept. and Alan probably in the Encom building. (why would fCon have crates of oranges?)

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 382
Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Friday, March, 19, 2004 2:19 AM
Well oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Even the bad guys have to recognize that
Anyway, that was one of the possibilities, but I couldn't think of a reason for Encom to have a three laser setup for a technology that had not yet been proven (according to the e-mails Alan hadn't really told anyone about the correction algorithims [sp?] yet). Maybe fcon had a bunch of stuff all put together already and just shipped in the finished "modules" so that the lab, lasers, and Data Wraiths simulators could all be set up in a few days?order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


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Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Friday, March, 19, 2004 4:03 PM
makes sense to me.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)

Posts: 382
Re: tron 2.0 geography/time question

on Saturday, March, 20, 2004 2:47 AM
All right then, it's official.

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 tron 2.0 geography/time question