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  Tron 2.0 
 What gives?

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What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 1:27 AM
Last week I downloaded the demo for this game. I was so impressed with it that I played the level through three times and then the next day went out and bought the game.

I played through the entire game and was thoroughly impressed with it. Since then I've read several reviews and all of them highly praise Tron 2.0 . . . that being said, why did the game go down in price so fast after release? Did it just not catch on?

Forgive me if this has already been posted, I went back four pages but didn't notice any posts on this.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online


Posts: 5,314
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 12:59 PM
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Posts: 1,608
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 3:10 PM
As I had posted in another similar thread, it's ironic that the gaming community complains that they don't get games with good, original stories, beautiful graphics and great gameplay, then when it's dropped in their collective laps it doesn't sell like blockbusters.

I guess all the Children (used pejoratively here) want their pirate copies and to stay with Counter Strike & StarCraft where they can be annoying and moronic.

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Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 4:11 PM

Amen, Scuzzy.

Yet, when a game like Call of Duty comes out, which is yet-another-WW2-shooter, everyone rushes out to buy it.

Don't get me wrong, CoD is a good game. But it's not like we haven't played the same thing countless times before.

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Posts: 512
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 5:22 PM
It is pretty strange / sad. I am not a real big FPS fan in the first place, but I can't figure out why this game didn't sell better. I bought it mainly because of the TRON label, but was thrilled with the excelent game content. You would think that word of how good the game was would have spread bringing non TRON fans on board. Negative reviews were few and far between...

Just a guess, but had it sold more, we might have seen more patches / an expansion. (hopefully that's still not out of the picture!)

Don't you wish your corruption was hot like me?
Riley Pizt

Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 6:47 PM
Monthigos Wrote:why did the game go down in price so fast after release?
Don't judge the quality of a game by its price. Just look at movies. A ticket to an Adam Sandler flick is the same price as an oscar winner or a big budget blockbuster which costs $150 million to make.

The fact is that relatively few PC games sell well at $50. Yet, publishers continue to trod out their wares at that initial price and then wonder why their game doesn't sell. Of course, it doesn't help when consumers like you think a game which sells for less than $50 is of lesser quality. Tron 2.0 should have been $20 or less at release. It certainly would have garnered more than twice as many users at that price point.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 8:01 PM
Well, IMHO, there have been several contributing factors to the games falloff in popularity, despite all the glowing reviews and high ratings.....

The biggest is the lackluster multiplayer. Multiplayer is still fraught with bugs, and the disc type multiplayer (except derez) is difficult to master. Also, few maps are available, and making your own has a very steep learning curve.

That brings up the second big issue. Community access. There are some major die-hard fans of TRON2.0 here, and we wanted to see it do so well. But many of the omissions in gameplay, and some in content, remain because we don't have the needed tools, code, and documentation. Games that can't be heavily customized, optimized, and tinkered with don't last long.

The third big issue would be silence. When we (the fans) go looking for news on the game, and nothing has been said for months, we get cynical or even despondent about whether the game has just been left to die out, or abandoned. And new players just assume they bought a bum game, and never really bother to really learn the game, since they figure the game is too hard, or badly supported. And a potential buyer? Goes to look on the message boards (at and sees an average of 1-2 posts a day currently? Not exactly encouraging posts either.

These are just my opinion, of course.

HeliumPhoenix aka PhoenixBIOS (in-game)


Posts: 3,488
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 9:49 PM
Though, at ebgames, Tron 2.0 seems to have dropped in price... they're selling for about 20 dollars now. (Eb games' website confirms this.)

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Posts: 2,232
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 10:23 PM
Same thing happened with Freespace 2.

FS2 is an awesome game with fantastic graphics and gameplay, but for some unknown reason it just didn't sell well. What really gets me is that now there won't be a Freespace 3 to wrap up the story that started in Descent: Freespace and continued in Freespace 2.

I think FS2 didn't sell well because you really need a joystick to play it and many people weren't into buying joysticks when the vast majority of FPS's didn't require anything more than a keyboard and a mouse.

I think in TRON 2.0's case, most gamers just didn't care for the non-realistic setting and the lack of deathmatch.

It really is too bad that gamers are loath to buy any games that don't include the ubiquitous (and somewhat monotonous) deathmatch mode; I truly enjoy a good single-player experience, and I really enjoyed TRON 2.0.

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Posts: 191
Re: What gives?

on Monday, March, 01, 2004 10:54 PM
I will take a stab at this. Replay ability is what I believe drives sales; especially MP action. Tron didn’t have great mp, it was okay...but not much more. Couterstrike, COD, UTK4, have exceptional mp, they are easy to pick up, understand, and are a fantastic experience. Even though we have been their a dozen times, they will sell like hotcakes because they are fun for a long time. I really enjoy SP and believe that tron 2.0 did an excellent job with this. In many ways, you can see monaliths previous projects influence shine through (the same engine after all). The story line was intelligent, and the interesting 'extras' such as obscure references and subtle quips made the game a rich experience. Nevertheless, its linearity prevents it as being something to come back to repeatedly. I think as a first project for BVI, tron was superb; I really don’t want to see them turn all their attention to mp like many studios have. Sure, they may sell a bit better, but I believe that many modern games lack a solid SP experience; I look forward to supporting studios that ignore this unnecessary trend. Not that mp should be ignored completely, on the contrary, it’s a very important aspect of the game, but it should be devolved at the expense of sp. What I believe that monalith and BVI should consider is co-op. It’s obvious that monalith knows how to make great storylines, adding the enjoyment of a friend playing through it with you would really add to the experience, ultimately replay value, and in turn increase sales. Can anyone name a decent co-op title in the past few years? Halo......sven co-op is a mod (and its really popular)....that’s about it. Therefore, it is clear that this is a segment that needs more attention; who better then a studio that has sp nailed to tackle it!

^^ Full tower gamer ^^


Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Friday, March, 05, 2004 12:42 AM
Riley Pizt Wrote:
Monthigos Wrote:why did the game go down in price so fast after release?
Don't judge the quality of a game by its price. Just look at movies. A ticket to an Adam Sandler flick is the same price as an oscar winner or a big budget blockbuster which costs $150 million to make.

The fact is that relatively few PC games sell well at $50. Yet, publishers continue to trod out their wares at that initial price and then wonder why their game doesn't sell. Of course, it doesn't help when consumers like you think a game which sells for less than $50 is of lesser quality. Tron 2.0 should have been $20 or less at release. It certainly would have garnered more than twice as many users at that price point.

You misinterpret me. I don't judge a game by its price, even if others do. I rarely, if ever, buy games at 50$ simply because my wife pops a vein when I do. I picked tron and thought it was awesome regardless of the price.

Its just reading a simple economic trend here. The game starts at a pretty standard retail price, and then just a few months later drops in price. Other games that have done this recently have had major gameplay flaws (Enter the Matrix, that Wolverine game, Pirates of the Caribbean).

That's where I got confused. Tron is certainly not in league with the games I just listed, IMO its far above. The single player game was one of the best experiences I've had in a long time. That is why I question why such a great game would not be garnering enough sales to keep it at standard retail price for longer.

This should be a little bit alarming for Tron fans. Obviously if the Tron franchise is not generating enough interest it may be possible that Disney may pull the plug for the time being. And I would very much like to see more Tron games.

I haven't delved into the multiplayer aspect of the game much, but you may have a point there.

Oh, and for the record, a bombshell of a movie will be at the regular price theatres a lot shorter than a well selling movie, so there is a little hole in your example there.

The Tweaker

Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Saturday, March, 06, 2004 4:40 AM
MutoidMan Wrote:Same thing happened with Freespace 2. [snip]

I loved FreeSpace 2, MutoidMan. I bought a Force Feedback joystick which had a demo of FS2 which I enjoyed so much that I went out and bought the game. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Now I've got config problems that prevent me from replaying it, but it's by far my favorite starfighter game.

Loved Tron 2.0 just as much (in a different catergory, of course). Here's to the unique type of game that you play once and it just clicks, so you go back and play it over and over again. abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 443
Re: What gives?

on Saturday, March, 06, 2004 5:07 PM
What keeps a game alive is multiplayer. Half Life would not be where it is today if it were not for its multiplayer and modding ability. Any game that wants big sales and long legevity must have superb multiplyer.

Had Tron 2.0 had this, I have no doubt it would be much sold much more and more present to the larger community.


Posts: 2,232
Re: What gives?

on Saturday, March, 06, 2004 11:05 PM
The Tweaker Wrote:I loved FreeSpace 2, MutoidMan. I bought a Force Feedback joystick which had a demo of FS2 which I enjoyed so much that I went out and bought the game. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Now I've got config problems that prevent me from replaying it, but it's by far my favorite starfighter game.

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"If money is the root of all evil, I'd like to be a bad, bad man." - Huey Lewis & the News

Most recent PC game collection update: 04/12/2012. Check it out!

Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Sunday, March, 07, 2004 1:39 PM
UT2k4 might have a good chance of selling because it actually costs 39.99.

When most games sell at 49.99, it makes people want to get pirated copies of it because the price is so high.

I bought freelancer at that price once.

i got tron 2.0 at 29.99.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

The Tweaker

Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Sunday, March, 07, 2004 1:54 PM
MutoidMan> No, control problems. My Wingman Force 3D Joystick Profiler program has trouble interfacing with the program, so I can't customize the controls the way I like them. And sometimes the game doesn't run. And sometimes it's just slow. And I'm currently immersed in Knights of the Old Republic and Uru, so I haven't been working on it much. Hmm, maybe I should go to and try upgrading the drivers...

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Posts: 0
Re: What gives?

on Friday, March, 12, 2004 8:50 AM
I went to a local LAN party once about a year or so ago; it was on a Sunday and went on from 10am to 6pm, there were about 15 to 20 people there, and ALL they played, ALL day was Counterstrike!! A game that I wasnt really interested in, had never played before, and was therefore generally crap at!

The fee for the day was £10 (I'm in the UK and so that's $16 in your earth money), which included the entry fee for playing in a tournament, which was, yes you guessed it, Counterstrike!

Needless to say I never went again. They probably still play Counterstrike to this day. No-one seemed interested in playing anything else, and there are so many great multiplayer games with lots of different and fun gameplay. Even older games like Micromachines and Atomic Bomberman, while being very old and are still such great fun in multiplayer. Unless it involves camouflage and ultra-realistic representations of death and destruction a great majority of players just aren't interested.


"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our pants!!" - Walliam Willace

Posts: 701
Re: What gives?

on Friday, March, 12, 2004 1:34 PM
If you look at the PC gaming industry, everything is in a downturn. Let's hold judgment until the Xbox version hits. This could turn things around.

"This isn't happening, it only thinks it's happening"-Kevin Flynn

Posts: 6
Re: What gives?

on Friday, March, 12, 2004 9:55 PM
I have to agree with the comments about multiplayer deathmatch...that is an essential part of any successful FPS marketing strategy today, and the substitution of "disk-arena"-style multiplayer, while totally cool from the perspective of a TRON fan, was probably anethema to the standard FPS player. Great, groundbreaking graphics, tight single-player game, phenomenal sound, acting, and special effects...virtually valueless without a good, solid multiplayer deathmatch mode. (And the TRON 2.0 deathmatch mode is great! It's extraordinarily smooth, and easy enough to set up that anyone can do it. If only this had been in place at launch.)

The other big factor, again as others have said, was mod-ability, though since that isn't something I really do, I can't speak to the efficacy of the tools available at launch (if any).

The $50.00 price point didn't help, though it's the standard price for first-release PC games. The fact that only the latest and greatest graphics cards could display the game with the trademark "glow" meant that people who didn't feel like upgrading their hardware would be playing a "lesser" version of the game (which isn't appealing).

Y'know, it strikes me that TRON 2.0 has some similarity in "retail" experience with the original film: They were both expensive, ground-breaking, aimed at a specific demographic, cool as hell, intensely satisfying...and, sadly, slightly underperforming in the marketplace.

I am pinning many hopes on the Xbox release. Here's what I would recommend be included:

1. Multiplayer Xbox-live support for deathmatch and disc arena, if lightcycles continue to be problematic. (Split-screen lightcycle matches might work well, though.)

2. New single-player game content; maybe something like a "mini-level" starring Mercury, including some more backstory involving Ma3a and the struggle against the corruption.

Finally, from the "While I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony" Dept., let's toss in behind-the-scenes, making-of extras (such as the episode of G4's "ICONS" featuring TRON 2.0) or a retrospective of all of the TRON video games, including the Intellivision ones from the 80's.
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Posts: 129
Re: What gives?

on Thursday, April, 08, 2004 3:11 PM
Being a huge TRON fan, I was a little dissapointed in the TRON 2.0 DEMO - so I've yet to buy the game.

Maybe they fixed these things by now, but the disc flew nothing like the beautifully animated discs from the movie - the thing flies so damn fast that it's hard to follow - I have much more fun playing DISCS OF TRON arcade. Disney did have a game that incorporated some great disc fighting - BUZZ LIGHTYEAR for PS1 - it has a disc shooter that you aquire in the advanced levels - the disc flies at the target and does a few damaging swoops at its victim - fun to watch! I felt the discs in 2.0 lacked any personality or any "feel" of the weapon we see in the movie.

The lightcyles were a huge yawn - the arena too big and the powerups seemed a little silly. The free ARMAGETRON with the movie mods is like being in the movie - and they incorporated some clever gameplay where you hug a wall to go faster - it doesn't get in the way of the movie feel and is quite fun.

I will probably go and get 2.0 from the bargain bin and give it another spin.

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  Tron 2.0 
 What gives?