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 Windows Theme

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Posts: 1,608
Windows Theme

on Saturday, January, 24, 2004 3:01 AM
Would there be any chance for a nice Windows Theme based on or ? It would be nice to see a well done theme instead of the weenie ones that are out there.

Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.

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Re: Windows Theme

on Saturday, January, 24, 2004 9:14 AM
You know - I used to have a pretty cool custom TRON Windows theme I put together with various TRON sounds I got off the net.

I'm trying to remember how it went...

I had Bit saying "no" for some dialogue boxes, and "yes" for others... I can't remember exactly which sound I had linked to each type of box.

The MCP blowing up sound was tied to critical errors.

For most yellow "!" boxes, I had the TRON (arcade) game theme intro (just the one classic intro bar when you'd drop in a coin).

When I would shut down, I had the MCP saying "End of line".

I can't remember what I had on boot-up... this was a few years ago and I don't have the theme saved anywhere.

I never really took it too far myself - I just did a basic sound thing.

I'd say just get some TRON sound files and see what you come up with.
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Posts: 512
Re: Windows Theme

on Friday, January, 30, 2004 12:34 AM
I with TheReelTodd on this one.

I used winrez to get the sound files from 2.0 and then assigned them to certian windows / aol actions. You can get some pretty funny effects. A few examples:

Start up=Byte "So you are a user. Fascinating."
minimize=ICP "taking cover"
Device connect=PDA voice "System function online. Componnent power consumption increase"

You get the idea.

Then I just use different screen shots from the game or from the web as backgrounds.
The only thing I couldn't do was icons, but I have some from Scott Novack's TRON 2.0 Windows XP Theme that I used. (I'd give the site, but I don't remember it, and it's not in his read me.)

Don't you wish your corruption was hot like me?

Posts: 4,450
Re: Windows Theme

on Friday, January, 30, 2004 3:07 PM
I had posted something similar to what you guys are talking about. I don't remember in which section thpough. Its somthing like a 3 dimensional theme. with what they have now. and I believe you can create your own. Some of the others from that same link looked very good.. Let me check from the lockergnome journals that I get electronically over here. and try and repost it. We might have something that we can all contribute to making a 3d version theme and all that.

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2 Legit 2 quit

End of line



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  Tron 2.0 
 Windows Theme