1) That would be good. I don't know how many times I've been de-rezzed right after respawning, because I spawned next to somebody waiting with their weapon aimed at me.
2) True. But rather than reducing their power, make them harder to obtain by having fewer power-ups or hide them somehow. Maybe have them appear and disappear at random.
3) Suffusion sucks.
4) True, but I don't mind them too much.
5) I only find the Mesh weapons run out of ammo too fast. But core dumps in Derez would be a nice addition.
Also, make the energy and health power-ups like in Single Player. It's too easy to just grab one and recharge. There should be a risk standing there, vulnerable, while you recharge. It would encourage players to play smarter.
And don't allow players to pick up a power-up if they already have it. It's not fair to the other players that don't.
Good match last night, BTW. (tronfaq)