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 Derez Mode Suggestions

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Posts: 450
Derez Mode Suggestions

on Sunday, January, 04, 2004 4:00 AM
1) Brief (3 seconds?) invulnerability period post-respawn. Spawn campers suck.

2) Weapon power seems a little unbalanced, specifcally with the ball-based weapons.

3) Hard to tell if you hit anything with the suffusion.

4) Long weapon switching animations are annoying in a multiplayer game.

5) Weapon efficiency seems a little extreme...ammo runs out way too quickly to have decent deathmatches. Perhaps picking up already-possessed weapons could give a small energy boost? Or perhaps core dumps?

The Clu abides, man...

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Derez Mode Suggestions

on Sunday, January, 04, 2004 4:52 PM

1) That would be good. I don't know how many times I've been de-rezzed right after respawning, because I spawned next to somebody waiting with their weapon aimed at me.

2) True. But rather than reducing their power, make them harder to obtain by having fewer power-ups or hide them somehow. Maybe have them appear and disappear at random.

3) Suffusion sucks.

4) True, but I don't mind them too much.

5) I only find the Mesh weapons run out of ammo too fast. But core dumps in Derez would be a nice addition.

Also, make the energy and health power-ups like in Single Player. It's too easy to just grab one and recharge. There should be a risk standing there, vulnerable, while you recharge. It would encourage players to play smarter.

And don't allow players to pick up a power-up if they already have it. It's not fair to the other players that don't.

Good match last night, BTW. (tronfaq)



Posts: 0
Re: Derez Mode Suggestions

on Wednesday, January, 07, 2004 2:46 PM
1) Definately. I've gotten killed by spawn campers way too many times.
2) Ball weapons really need some balancing, Drunken Dims needs the most work IMO. Maybe the Cluster Disc too.
3) Suffusion really does suck, don't use it.
4) I never really found the animations to be much of a problem.
5) Energy use is a little extreme. There should defineately be core dumps but they should work like the pickups, so you don't have to use the F key. Weapon pickups should give you some energy too, maybe 10 or so?

I agree with redrain85 that you shouldn't be able to pick up a duplicate powerup, makes it hard to find a good weapon after you spawn.

F?eel>th;e /co^rr*upt()ion!

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 Derez Mode Suggestions