tronprogram Sector Admin
Posts: 413 | One of a Kind Items on Tuesday, December, 09, 2003 3:48 PM
Just curious to know, I've got some items in my collection that I've only seen the one time and I'm wondering if anyone else has got bits in their own collections that they've only seen the one time as well. The items that I have in my collection that I've only seen once are:
Small French TRON Children's Book
Japanese TRON Console Cartridge
3 Japanese Lobby Cards
Japanese Starlog with TRON article
German Bravo magazine with TRON article
TRON Arcade Tournament entry form
TRON Jewelry Display
TRON Paper Block
TRON UK Packaged Pillowcase
TRON Andrefer Sliding Puzzle
TRON UK Pencil Case
Internal UK Disney Memo RE: Merchandise
Australian DVD Poster
TRON Finland Poster
TRON Sweden Poster
German magazine Poster
Set of 6 Italian Lobby Posters
Newsweek Poster
TRON Cast/Crew Sweatshirt
Unused Prop ENCOM Stickers
Trading Cards Ad
1 TRON Tomy Leaflet
Various Childs t-shirts
TRON Viewmaster Prototypes
1 Yellow 1 Red TRON School Folders
UK Electronic Puzzle Book
Small Japanese Book
1 TRON Mug by Eagle
TRON x8 Japanese small lobby cards
There may be a couple of bits left out but that's basically it. Does anyone else have any one of a kinds?
"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982 |
lifeasis User
Posts: 161 | Re: One of a Kind Items on Tuesday, December, 09, 2003 5:48 PM
I have one of the: Blue collage t-shirts. I've only seen one appear so far. Don't know if it counts.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: One of a Kind Items on Wednesday, December, 24, 2003 12:23 AM
Here's a one of a kind item.
DaveTRON Keychain
I was given this for Christmas by my friend Luigi Pardo and I love it! That is my photo etched into a silver tag. It's so cool!