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 SP Demo slower?

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SP Demo slower?

on Wednesday, November, 26, 2003 8:51 AM
Well, I downloaded the SP (Single Player) Demo available at the official site (as opposed to the "Final Demo" and the "Multiplayer Demo"). This demo runs jerkily and partially slow on Low Detail. I am absolutely sure I exceed the requirements for the low detail setting. I even meet the high detail requirements except for my graphics card (Radeon 7500). What's really strange is that the game runs no more slower or jerkier at high detail than at low detail . I'm wondering if the problem is that I do not have the "Final Demo". Are there any reports of the SP Demo running slower than the "Final Demo" or the actual game? Or should I expect similar results if I were to buy the game?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: SP Demo slower?

on Wednesday, November, 26, 2003 1:41 PM

The SP Demo is based on earlier code, before they noticed a problem with video cards using older Radeon chips. The game ran much slower on these cards, than it should have.

I don't know if the Final Demo was updated to fix this or not. I do know that the actual full game has a patch to fix this problem, so will run acceptably on your card.

However, you really need a Radeon 8500 or higher to experience the game at its best. The graphics won't look as good on a 7500.



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Re: SP Demo slower?

on Wednesday, November, 26, 2003 1:50 PM
Thank you. I appreciate your help.

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  Tron 2.0 
 SP Demo slower?