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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 upright for $200 in Layton, UT

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Posts: 24
upright for $200 in Layton, UT

on Thursday, September, 04, 2003 12:05 PM
I saw a Tron upright for sale at the Deseret Industries for $200. It wasn't turned on so I don't know what condition it is in. The case looks good except for the where the artwork is worn away.


Posts: 231
Re: upright for $200 in Layton, UT

on Thursday, September, 04, 2003 2:59 PM
Yea, unfortunately a lot of the cabinets will have the side art worn to some degree. Has something to do with the photo ink they used for this.

I believe someone is selling repro'd Tron sideart however so you can fix it up all nice and neat.

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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 upright for $200 in Layton, UT