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 Hello Fellow Collectors

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Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, August, 29, 2003 12:43 PM
I have been a member of Tron-Sector for quite some time but have never posted here in the forum. I'm a huge Tron fan, my Tron collection is one of my favorites. I've been collecting Tron since I was a kid. Here is what I have (And no, I'm not bragging, just sharing with fellow collectors and sparking conversation) :

All Four Original Tomy Figures (Mint)
Both Original Lightcycles (Near Mint)
Toy City Blue Lightcycle (Near Mint)
Toy City Silver Lightcycle (Mint)
Toy City Yellow Lightcycle (Good)
Medicom Tron Kubricks Set A,B,C,D (Mint)
Medicom Tron RAH100 Set A,B,C,D (Mint)
All Four NECA Tron Reissues (Mint)
Two NECA Blue Lightcycles (Mint)
NECA Yellow Lightcycle (Mint)
NECA Red Lightcycle (Mint)
GameStop Exclusive Warrior Figure (Mint)
Disney Tron Pin
Disney Lightcycle Pin
Two Custom Tron Prop Helmets
Original Tron VHS
Tron 20th Anniversary Collector's DVD
Tron 2.0 PC Game

It probably dosn't seem like alot but I love all of it. I've spent a long time collecting this stuff and putting alot of effort into making sure everything is in mint condition. I would never part with my collection except for one thing, the Toy City Yellow Lightcycle. As you may or may not know these Lightcycles, or "Lasercycles" as they are also known, are impossible to find. They were released in Canada and are about half the size of the originals. I love my Silver and Blue one but the Yellow one I got on a trade a long time ago. The rear wheel has some rubber damage, but does not affect the way it displays, in fact the only way you can tell if there is damage to the wheel is if you play with it, but I'm sure no one would do that. The only thing I want right now is a Tron UK doll or Green "Lasercycle". Other then that I'm willing to sell the Yellow "Lasercycle". Just drop me a line if interested and I'll email you a photo. Thanks..................................End of Line.


Posts: 161
Re: Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, August, 29, 2003 1:56 PM
Those lasercycles you have are they still "carded"? I have never even seen any of those still MINT in the package not even on Ebay. I know of a webpage that shows them. But that's about it.

As for the TRON U.K. bendy doll GOOD LUCK finding that.


Posts: 5,314
Re: Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, August, 29, 2003 2:54 PM
Good for you. TronProgram has an immense collection in the UK, and I am right behind him with my collection. I have about 300 items now ranging from magazine clippings up to a full sized statue of Mercury from TRON 2.0.

I was running a site to allow folks to see it, but it felt really pretentious so I killed it. If you would like to see some images, contact me privately and I can send you a disc.



Posts: 5,314
Re: Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, August, 29, 2003 2:56 PM
I would love to see images of thes items from your collection:

Toy City Blue Lightcycle (Near Mint)
Toy City Silver Lightcycle (Mint)
Toy City Yellow Lightcycle (Good)
Two Custom Tron Prop Helmetsorder abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, August, 29, 2003 5:01 PM
To answer your question lifeasis, yes I had the Silver Lasercycle boxed. I traded the box and small robot that it came with for the Yellow Lasercycle and some money. I'll be sending pics to you shortly, I'll also send some pics to you DaveTRON of my other Lasercycles but I'm afraid that my Tron Helmets are not finished yet so you'll have to wait alittle while longer for that. Thanks guys.................End of Line.


Posts: 29
Re: Hello Fellow Collectors

on Friday, September, 12, 2003 8:26 PM
Hey Mr. Collector - that's a pretty impressive range of stuff you have. I ain't got much in the way of bits n bobs apart from the costuming side of things. So, just for the record here's what I've got:

Original Press Pack and Photos
Flynn's Jacket (replica)
Flynn's Upper-half Catsuit (replica)
Flynn's arcade t-shirts (black and blue)

Keep on truckin' y'all!

Red 5

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 Hello Fellow Collectors