YCP, derived from ICP, was originally an acronym for Ymergency Conscription Program and used on the BoxHat forums, which changed to mean Yggdrasil Conscription Protocol in September 2010 for use on LDSO forums.
Based in the virtual world, a defense system has been programmed to protect computer environments from malicious software and other virtual threats. The defense system utilizes idle programs as conscripted warriors to engage in combat on their own systems, given the supposition that if their own systems are damaged or corrupted, then the programs become defunct and useless. When a system is threatened to a degree that normal security measures are unable to handle, the YCP activates and drafts local scripts, data modules, and code avatars to aid against the threat. The Scripts undergo facilitated anti-hostilities training and then engages the malicious software. After the threat has been dealt with, the drafted Scripts are allowed to return to their previous duties. Some, however, continue with advanced training to become formal YCP ops against future hostilities.
Thematically, all YCP elements are Black and White or grayscale, relating to data and binary coding: 1 as active/alive (white) and 0 as inactive/dead (black). The use of B/W also references Yin and Yang in Eastern spirituality. Norse runic designations are utilized in various ways, including referencing the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil, as the System.
Available through the LDSO forums, and also incorporated into the Complete Map Pack are my YCP maps. Please follow this thread for released maps.
Released Maps:
YCP Elements- Recognizer
- Recognizer (Personal)
- Sweeper
- Sweeper (powered down)
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