Discs-Of-Tron_ User
Posts: 86 | PS3 blacked out player/unknown player glitch/cheat. on Wednesday, August, 10, 2011 1:42 PM
while running around on the game last night i run into a player that can black out the character and is not able to be targeted in the on-foot stages. i seen this on the light cycle stages a while back. where the cycle has an almost invisible trail. a search only turns up another forum post about it with no real explanation on what this is or how its done. it had been a long time since i seen it til last night. sort of irked me that they had to use that to get an advantage.
emdeesee User
Posts: 218 | RE: PS3 blacked out player/unknown player glitch/cheat. on Wednesday, August, 10, 2011 5:01 PM
The first thing you describe sounds like the effect of the Stasis Mod Auxiliary upgrade, but the second (invisible light cycle trails) is a glitch.
Now that you mention it I guess I have seen the "unknown player" glitch on disc wars maps, too. I don't think it's reproducible at will, though.
It just makes the match more challenging. Go with it.
Discs-Of-Tron_ User
Posts: 86 | RE: PS3 blacked out player/unknown player glitch/cheat. on Wednesday, August, 10, 2011 6:37 PM
i forgot about the stasis mod that does that! should try it sometime. yeah, its been a while since i seen the cycle glitch show up.