Has anyone got a letter back from Encom? (Blu-ray easter egg) on Wednesday, August, 03, 2011 10:40 AM
Greetings Programs! I know this is late but I just watched Tron Legacy on Blu-ray and I have to say I enjoyed even more than the first time I saw it. All the extras were amazing. It was very awesome seeing those Flynn Lives events (I attended the one in San Francisco) and The Next Day segment was awesome to someone not expected there to be any kind of content like this. I wish I had know about these extras then I would have bought it day 1!
But back to my question. In the extras there was an easter egg which said to send a letter to Encom for more information (I can't remember for what specifically). Write to: Flynn Lives Po Box #236 611 K Street #B San Diego, Ca 92101
(as can be seen under "The Latest" column http://tron.wikibruce.com/Home) So I was wondering if anyone has heard back from them. I have been searching through and have had no results.
(reposted from reddit because I had not found this forum yet http://www.reddit.com/r/tron/comments/j4pjp/has_anyone_got_a_letter_back_from_encom/) order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill http://blog.bitimpulse.com/template/default.aspx?abortion-types buy abortion pill online