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 PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

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Posts: 21
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Thursday, January, 27, 2011 1:46 AM
I just found the "Thermatron" Hurley hoodies both at and
These are the ones that people are trying to sell for $150 on ebay.
59 plus like 8 for shipping... Funny because a couple of weeks ago I tried to order one from pacsun and they cancelled my order without even telling me...
So, I contacted Hurley and the lady told me that "ya, a lot of the TRON stuff is gone and was only a limited edition..." or something along those lines.
But I googled them just about an hour ago and they were available!
Now I just gotta hope they don't cancel me again!


Posts: 59
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Thursday, January, 27, 2011 1:05 PM
Hmm... maybe a glitch in the system? Not seeing it available anymore (in fact has removed the photos of it on their listing too)?abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Troy, He Fights for the Users
Still Playing with Toys - Comics, Movies, Pop Culture, Free Cake

Posts: 12
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Thursday, January, 27, 2011 10:12 PM
Well, I had tried to get the long sleeve "suit" t about a week ago with no success. But having read about the 3 man flier, and the uk recogniser earlier today, I saw the mention here about the restock. And while I couldn't get the long sleeve, the new short sleeve were available in all sizes. So I order 2 XL's and can't wait to get them!abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 71
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Friday, March, 18, 2011 1:13 AM
I'm going to check my local store...if I'm not mistaking I saw a few shirts I already have mixed in on one of the sale racks...maybe I'll find something....I REALLY wanted the Rinzler board shorts...but I wasn't about to pay $60 for some swimming shorts lol!


Posts: 159
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Friday, March, 18, 2011 9:14 AM
They're not swimming shorts, they're board shorts. They're designed for boarding sports such as wakeboarding, surfing, skimboarding, etc. They're more expensive because they're designed to withstand a bit more brutality and most have some sort of rash guard/protection built in. $60 is still expensive for my taste, but definitely in the average range of prices for a name brand boarding short.


Posts: 2
RE: PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?

on Wednesday, May, 04, 2011 9:24 PM
3 hurley suit t-shirt and 1 long sleeve and some others on sale in windsor canada. i just signed up to this thing to let you guys know as the ebay prices are terrible....though i might go pick them up and sell them there lol. this was as of may 04/11order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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 PAC SUN Hurley Tron Stuff Gone?