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 My first watching of it at home on Blu-Ray with a 1080 P set.

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Posts: 274
My first watching of it at home on Blu-Ray with a 1080 P set.

on Sunday, May, 01, 2011 1:26 AM
I have to say it was AMAZING, and even in it's own way, somewhat better than the theater, though not in total. I do not have a TV of any kind and am not all that familiar with just how utterly sharp a modern, digitally "filmed" movie shown on a 1080p HD set playing off a Blu-Ray can be, but I was EXTREMELY impressed, especially since TL was filmed with the ultimate in recently developed digital IMAX cameras. I mean, what more could you ask?

Everything on the screen absolutely popped in a way I had never seen it before in any theater. The crispness of the picture revealed nuances to the actor's expressions and movements I had never noticed before, and things going on in the background in more scenes than I can remember became apparent to my eye for the first time. It took this watching to really see the absolute commitment to getting every single last detail right that was put into this movie and it's design. I was extremely impressed.

The nitty gritty: when I watch or have watched Tron anywhere, there is one scene that I use to judge the projection quality, and that is when the light runner is speeding through the outlands. Tron: Legacy is one really, really visually dark movie when you get down to it, and a lot of the detail in those dark areas of the scenery can be tough to see, but if you can see the distinct outlines and striations of the cliffs and ravines the lightrunner speeds through-and you *are* meant to see them-then you're seeing the movie the way you were meant to. Otherwise, I suggest you complain to the projectionist or tweak the brightness of your set, because you're missing more of the movie than you realize. With this watching, I have never seen the outlands look so visually distinct, so discernible, and still menacing in their darkness.

The first thing that stood out? I gotta say it was the crowd in the lightcycle arena. Before, they always came across as mostly blue specs, indistinct figures in an ocean of black. But on the blu-ray, the entire crowd just sparkled, and I was very surprised to see so many of them could be made out individually, and also how well those wearing red illumination and their blue counterparts could be distinguished from one another. It looked like a real crowd of half a million people (and it *was* a simulated crowd of half a million peo...I mean, programs) more than I ever thought it would.
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Posts: 177
RE: My first watching of it at home on Blu-Ray with a 1080 P set.

on Sunday, May, 01, 2011 5:58 AM
Ever since HD-TV's and Blu-Ray hit I find it kind of painful to watch films in the theaters anymore. They never look nearly as good as they do on my home television, and sometimes I'm downright straining to make things out in dark scenes.

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Posts: 242
RE: My first watching of it at home on Blu-Ray with a 1080 P set.

on Wednesday, May, 04, 2011 2:40 PM
I agree. With a descent setup and dedicated home theater room there really is no reason to go to the theater. I did go see Tron Legacy as that was one movie I could not wait for the blu-ray to come out, but if I had the option, I would have gladly paid twice the amount to see it at home.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

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 My first watching of it at home on Blu-Ray with a 1080 P set.