trongirl96 User
Posts: 3 | Is this song on the soundtrack? on Wednesday, April, 27, 2011 9:51 PM
there's this song that plays right before sam & clu arrive at the light cycle arena, i've searched for its name, but i haven't found it.
Could someone please help me ?
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Boba Fettuccini User
Posts: 779 | RE: Is this song on the soundtrack? on Wednesday, April, 27, 2011 9:55 PM
The drums during the fireworks? No, that has not been released.
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trongirl96 User
Posts: 3 | RE: Is this song on the soundtrack? on Wednesday, April, 27, 2011 9:58 PM
it's a shame some songs aren't featured in the soundtrack :/abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion
TiggerMan User
Posts: 8 | RE: Is this song on the soundtrack? on Thursday, April, 28, 2011 9:22 AM
I'm actually currently working my way through the movie and comparing every piece of music used to the soundtrack tracks that I have. I've so far identified four clips/pieces that aren't on the soundtrack. A couple of them seem to be excerpts of other pieces already on the soundtrack, and others, like the fireworks music, aren't on the soundtrack at all.