flynn1978 User
Posts: 1,077 | DLC map question on Thursday, March, 03, 2011 10:48 PM
Hey-there's a dlc with a map that looks like the 1982 world of Tron, right??
Can anyone post some pics of this?? I believe there's a lightcycle map that looks old-school 1982-like.
If anyone can post pictures of this map, I'd appreciate it.
"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."
CorrupTron User
Posts: 609 | RE: DLC map question on Thursday, March, 03, 2011 11:20 PM
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flynn1978 User
Posts: 1,077 | RE: DLC map question on Thursday, March, 03, 2011 11:22 PM
"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."