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 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

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Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 9:22 AM
Thought you all might enjoy seeing my latest project. For this project I did a ton of research, and with the help of Disney Archives, and Vader1 (RPF) I was able to make a hyper accurate original Tron Identity Disc.

Thanks to Vader1 from the RPF I was able to secure an original late 1970's Whamo Soft Frisbee disc. This is what the original "costume" discs were made from for the film.

After I secured the disc, I spoke with Disney Archives who were very helpful in giving me the information needed to replicate the disc (of course they did not know I was replicating it). What I did not know is that Disney Archives only has a few examples of original discs in their collection. No two discs are the same. Example: Some of the discs center rings were printed onto a viynl sticker to hide the Whamo logo, while others had printed paper versions glued in the same spot. Some of the inner rings were wider, while some were thinner. Some discs used white velcro for the reverse, while others had black velcro. Some discs outer rings was done using black ribbon tape (no longer made) while others used two piece pinstripe. So in the end I replicated a disc that still had materials available to get the proper results. I used as close to the original materials as possible, and even handpainted the disc to match the imperfect paint marks, and made ripples to the outer ring tape same as the originals.

Edit: I am trying to get the photo into the message, but its not letting me, so here is the link to the photos. Sorry.


Posts: 131
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 12:09 PM
That is pretty cool!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion, a great place to read nerdy stuff!
Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 12:10 PM
Thanks! I have wanted one for years.

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 12:41 PM
LOVE IT! I used to do something similar. Instead of painting the rings I would use colored tape. I used to love pelting my brother with the disc! LOL!


Posts: 168
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 1:28 PM

Neat idea!

I'll have to try it.

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 1:55 PM
WOW! Thanks for doing that! I was not able to, not sure why, but cool!

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 3:15 PM
Sure do. Mine is the yellow on the right.

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Monday, January, 03, 2011 3:54 PM
RustyMuffler Wrote:Do you have your process documented anywhere? What paint you used? File for the center graphic?

You did an incredible job!

Thanks! I did document some info on the RPF at this link along with variations that could be done:

Also if you have any questions I am more than happy to answer them for you on this thread or via phone. If you would like to call you with details give me your TN and I can drop you a line in a few minutes.

Edit: If anyone wants the center rings I can send them the completed file. Its a Microsoft Word document so you will need that program to open it. Also if anyone wants details on paint etc, no problem. Just post your questions.


Posts: 113
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Wednesday, January, 05, 2011 10:10 PM
What a coincidence... I too am undertaking this project after having seen some posts over at RPF... what is your screen name there? Mine is the same as here.

Bought the disc today on eBay... Wham-O Easy Spin Foam Frisbee

I also bought a Cooper SK2000 helmet on eBay that I received today to undertake a Tron helmet project since that is the helmet that was used to make the Tron helmets in the movie... it's a size large so I have the extra hole on the rear of the helmet (5 holes total) that the small and medium sized helmets don't have (4 holes total...same as the helmets in Tron).

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Thursday, January, 06, 2011 6:16 AM
Navin323i Wrote:What a coincidence... I too am undertaking this project after having seen some posts over at RPF... what is your screen name there? Mine is the same as here.

Bought the disc today on eBay... Wham-O Easy Spin Foam Frisbee

I also bought a Cooper SK2000 helmet on eBay that I received today to undertake a Tron helmet project since that is the helmet that was used to make the Tron helmets in the movie... it's a size large so I have the extra hole on the rear of the helmet (5 holes total) that the small and medium sized helmets don't have (4 holes total...same as the helmets in Tron).

Cool! My name is EP1972 over on the RPF. If you need any info on the disc let me know, or you can just check out my thread on RPF. I think your frisbee choice should work out well, its the closest that I have seen next to the originals. What is the diameter of the frisbee? The original Whamo Soft Foam frisbee that I used, and what the film used is 8.5 inches.

I alwasy wanted a tron helmet, maybe I will do one as well. Hmm.....


Posts: 113
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Thursday, January, 06, 2011 10:23 AM
Mr. Hollywood Wrote:
Navin323i Wrote:What a coincidence... I too am undertaking this project after having seen some posts over at RPF... what is your screen name there? Mine is the same as here.

Bought the disc today on eBay... Wham-O Easy Spin Foam Frisbee

I also bought a Cooper SK2000 helmet on eBay that I received today to undertake a Tron helmet project since that is the helmet that was used to make the Tron helmets in the movie... it's a size large so I have the extra hole on the rear of the helmet (5 holes total) that the small and medium sized helmets don't have (4 holes total...same as the helmets in Tron).

Cool! My name is EP1972 over on the RPF. If you need any info on the disc let me know, or you can just check out my thread on RPF. I think your frisbee choice should work out well, its the closest that I have seen next to the originals. What is the diameter of the frisbee? The original Whamo Soft Foam frisbee that I used, and what the film used is 8.5 inches.

I alwasy wanted a tron helmet, maybe I will do one as well. Hmm.....

Nice to meet you! What's your name? Mine is Navin. Will definitely hit you up as I get more into these these projects... feel free to do the same.

The guy on RPF (JediLyfe I believe) indicated this particular frisbee that he used and that I bought now is around 90+ percent accurate to the Tron frisbee which is pretty good. From the eBay listing the seller says the diameter is 9" but I'll re-measure it when I receive it tomorrow... possibly it maybe 8.5" too.

The big questions I have are what to do about the logos in the middle (possibly sand it) and then how many coats of primer and paint to use, and finally what to use for the circuitry on the disc (blue reflective tape I assume)..on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlinewhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Mr. Hollywood

Posts: 41
RE: 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project

on Thursday, January, 06, 2011 1:39 PM
My name is Dan.

As for the center logo.............geez I am not sure, if you sand it, you will have to fill it, and defiantely use primer. On the true foam discs all I had to do was use a sharp razor and gently trim the lettering down. The center rings covered right to a "T". I did not want mine to look "sanitized" or perfect. I matched mine to the imperfect true production used discs. I even warped the outter ring where the pinstripe matches just like the original example I copied.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

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 1982 Tron Identity Disc Project