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 NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question

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Posts: 302
NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question

on Tuesday, January, 04, 2011 10:26 PM
I recently bought the 4 action figures NECA released for Trons 20th Anniversary (Warrior, Tron, Flynn, Sark). One thing that concerns me:

The plastic packaging that 'boxes' the character in and is glued to the card is crimped at the top (where the head of the characters are). There's nothing there to support any weight, and in shipping, I guess they just kind of ended up 'crimped'/'crushed'/'dinged' (not sure what to call it). Needless to say, it doesn't look 'perfect'. Does anyone think I should return these for this problem? Does it affect the value of the item? I'm sure it will affect the 'appeal'. Just don't know if I should push for a return or not. Any advice is appreciated.


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Posts: 64
RE: NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question

on Wednesday, January, 05, 2011 2:24 AM
Yeah, exactly the same problems I just got them last week. I bought 8 of them. Most of them had indents at the top and sides. It got me upset initially and the seller just gave me a token refund. I asked some of my guru toy collectors, they say its kind of common and hard to figure if its affecting the value. I guess its all about the demand and scarcity.

Having said that, MOC is a very abused word. Technically very few are, MINT means it straight out of the manufacturer and into your hands, a pure virgin so to speak. Theres no handling by the packers and displayers in the retails which causes wear and minor dog ears.


Posts: 64
RE: NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question

on Wednesday, January, 05, 2011 2:28 AM
Tron Unit Wrote:Considering that these are no longer produced and LONG sold out I would keep them if you can live with a minor imperfection unless your name is Clu.

True about it being LONG sold out. Theres not many toy shops with a healthy back stock on it as Tron has never been as popular as most sub culture toys (ie Masters of the Universe).

In Singapore, theres not even one specialty toy store selling ANY old tron items.


Posts: 302
RE: NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question

on Wednesday, January, 05, 2011 2:02 PM
Thanks for the advice, guys. I guess I'll not make a stink about them. I'm just glad to have them...although I bought 2 sets. The first set was expensive, then I found a set WAY cheaper so I bought that one, too (so I could sell the first set on Fleebay) order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

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 NECA 20th Anniversary action figure packaging question