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 Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

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Posts: 443
Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 7:55 AM
I know we have to have it because it wouldn't be TRON without it. But there was no real world reference or explenation on why they are still doing these games on the Grid. For those who never saw the original they are left hanging.

In the original TRON it was tied to the arcade game. But in the sequel it seems to server no real purpose. All it would have taken was a line or two saying "I envisioned kids being able to actually play the video games they loved" or some such.


Posts: 234
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 8:06 AM
For TRON to be enjoyable -- both the old and the new film -- a certain suspension of disbelief must be necessary.

Games in the old film never made sense at all because none of the arcade games in 1982 were networked the way our XBOXs and other home gaming devices can be networked now. The light bike scene with Sark defeating the hapless blue program in the beginning of the original film being a good example. How does Sark go from defeating that program on one of Flynn's own arcade games, to suddenly being back in the ENCOM environment chatting with the MCP?

As to how or why the games are necessary for Clu's world, who knows? They literally seem like gladiatorial contests for the amusement of Clu -- as Caesar -- and the other programs -- as citizens of Digital Rome. It seemed to me that many or even most of the programs in TL had become jaded and/or angry with users, and that perhaps this overall cynicism had slowly led them to enjoy bloodsport like the disc wars.

In the original film, disc fighting, light bike battles, and so forth, were all done without big audiences, so they seemed to serve even less of an explainable function.

Somehow none of this has ever bothered me much, on an emotional-response level. Both movies so thoroughly entertain me and hit all my fun cookies, I simply don't care.



Posts: 443
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 8:09 AM
Yes there was no network but the inference is there, even if it wasn't technically possible at the time. In TL there is no inference at all.

I still enjoyed the movie, I like most fans enjoy trying to fill in the gaps with logical explanations. Its what fans do.


Posts: 39
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 9:37 AM
The inference is that the games serve the same purpose as in the first, to eradicate unwanted programs. I think this is what's going on when they are sizing up the programs transported on the recognizer. The rest get repurposed. The only difference is that Clu has let the citizens enjoy the fun much like in Ancient Rome, possibly because the people have become so jaded that they actually take pleasure in it.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


Posts: 443
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 10:14 AM
I gotta think that in the 1,000 years they'd have gone through all the programs long ago. Basically CLU was a virus and destroying key operating system programs, its a wonder the whole grid didn't just do an execution halt, divide by zero error or something.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 112
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 10:19 AM
Yeah, the impression I always got from Tron 1 is that the games helped the MCP determine if the program's software/programming was strong enough to keep around.

Sark complains "tired of these accounting creampuffs you keep sending me" in the context of being sent some military programs when his says "Nice".. Then later we see some programs are being added to the MCP. To become part of his overall programming.

In Legacy we get the impression that no one is getting through the disc wars because Tron is unbeatable. Makes you wonder if some of the disc wars don't end with program vs rinzler.

Also, in the lightcycle sequence it seems rather common place for programs to lose.

The black guard seem really powerful.

Yet, are the black guard the result of "rectifier"?

Were these programs once gladiators in the games that won and are now turned red?

At first I though the "" sequence, where we see the sentry making a decision about loose software, was saying that "rectify" was weak software that needed repurposing and that strong software were sent to the "games" to be tested against the best warriors to become the black guard.

Upon a second viewing I thought maybe this could be the opposite.... "rectify" was the strong software and "games" was the weak software that was being sent to play to get derezzed..

Either way... both explanations work for me. It is fun deliberating the possibilities though.


Posts: 39
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 10:19 AM
Interesting point you make there. I suppose it all depends on what the system looked like before, I'd like to have seen it back when the three first created it, what was it like? how big was it?

Maybe he only rounds up programs without discs also, since plenty of civilians can be found walking around.


Posts: 234
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 11:12 AM
After the second viewing, I agree with your second take: the weak or not usable programs go to Games, the useful or otherwise valuable programs were designated as Rectify. Presumably all of the programs collected in the cache bins on the solar sailer at the end of the movie were designated as RECTIFY prior to transport.

GAMES seemed like a fate almost worse than death, hence the one program's gibbering fear and eventual suicide.

I noted that the light bike programs racing alongside Sam had virtually no hope of winning. "We got no chance, User!"


Posts: 1,468
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 12:40 PM
basically it's explained int the tron betrayal comic that the games are kept around as a form of entertainment...abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"You know you don't look a thing like your pictures?"

Posts: 331
RE: Why are they still playing games on the Grid?

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 3:29 PM
Just like in Roman times in the Colosseum.

If someone from another country it was at war with or a criminal was captured, they could either join their army or be put in the Gladiatorial Games. The games were a form of entertainment and execution.

If a rouge program (or in the original, a "Religious Nut" {{taken from the guard toward the beginning}}) were put in the games. In TL, they could be rectified if they would be useful. And the programs in the crowd (and CLU) found the games pretty entertaining.

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 Why are they still playing games on the Grid?