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 UK Toy Sightings

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Posts: 53
UK Toy Sightings

on Saturday, October, 30, 2010 5:21 AM
I spend a lot of time on a Transformers forum (TFW2005). On that forum is a UK sightings thread where we all discuss where we can find merchandise, what prices, any special offers, availability and can sell/exchange any spares we have. I think it would be a good idea for us UK TRON fans to have something similar. And I can start the ball rolling with:

Play have all the toys up for pre-order (release 12 Nov) - £3.99 for diecasts, £7.99 for standard figures, £17.99 for deluxe vehicles, £14.99 for 7" figures and £5.99 for Identity discs. (I've ordered all the diecasts and Sam's disc for a starter.

Also: Forbidden Planet Glasgow told me a fortnight ago that their delivery was "any day now". I'll pop in this afternoon on the way to the footy...

If anyone else sees anything in toy stores/supermarkets/ebay then spread the word...

(To TRON admin - relocate this thread as you see fit...)


Posts: 53
RE: UK Toy Sightings

on Wednesday, November, 10, 2010 7:43 AM

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Posts: 131
RE: UK Toy Sightings

on Thursday, November, 11, 2010 5:55 PM
FP London had a collection of toys a fortnight ago. I posted this elsewhere as i hadn't seen this thread. They've gone online.

Use this code before 00:00 tonight and you can get 20% off Legacy Toys. Sorry, if you see this, you've got an hour :O( - 2ST111

Posts: 53
RE: UK Toy Sightings

on Sunday, December, 12, 2010 1:53 PM
Things are looking bleak - received the diecasts from Play. They sent Flynn's lightcycle instead of Sam's. No point in returning it as they don't seem to have any of the diecasts available now, or the disks.

And then, visited Edinburgh Toys r Us. Nothing. No display or anything.

That makes FP the only option at this point....

Sector Admin

Posts: 413
RE: UK Toy Sightings

on Sunday, December, 12, 2010 2:25 PM
I know that the Disney store in the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent has Legacy toys in stock, since my sister was training there and called to tell me.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982

Posts: 53
RE: UK Toy Sightings

on Sunday, December, 12, 2010 2:59 PM
Things are looking bleak - received the diecasts from Play. They sent Flynn's lightcycle instead of Sam's. No point in returning it as they don't seem to have any of the diecasts available now, or the disks.

And then, visited Edinburgh Toys r Us. Nothing. No display or anything.

That makes FP the only option at this point....

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 UK Toy Sightings