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 Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

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Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

on Monday, May, 03, 2010 10:39 PM
Before people attack and flame, I am not stating that there is indeed a trojan in the Killer App mod. I am merely asking if anyone else has run into the same thing, and if this is simply a false-negative.

I found my old copy of Tron 2.0 and decided to install it on my Windows 7 64 bit system. Once installed, I ran the unofficial update found @ After that I went ahead with installing the Killer App Mod 1.1. This was downloaded from the link provided by, which I know is legitimate.

After the initial first few steps, selecting monitor display & resolution, AVG 9 antivirus popped up saying there was a trojan named "irsetup.exe" trying to install. I quickly quarantined it, which ended the Killer App Mod install.

After researching a bit, I found this is a common executable from 'Setup Factory' in various installers. So my initial reaction was AVG antivirus was simply reporting a false-negative, and this is nothing to worry about. But on the other hand, this "irsetup.exe" is also known to be a medium-high status trojan.

Can anyone confirm this?

And before I get asked, I am 100% positive this trojan report/alarm came from the Killer Mod App installer because I've tried repeating the process (fresh install of game, update, Killer App Mod install) with the same results.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 385
Re: Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

on Monday, May, 03, 2010 11:06 PM
well the instraller could be conseved as a trojen, being that it is opening and changing aspects of a program in this case tron2.0where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

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Re: Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

on Tuesday, May, 04, 2010 12:13 AM

The mod doesn't contain a virus. You're getting a false positive.

I went through the same thing years ago, with REZ Handler. Norton Anti-virus flagged it as a virus one day. Then a few days later, Norton released an update that stopped that from happening.

All I can say is: the mod has been available for weeks, it's been downloaded and used by hundreds of people, and you're the first person to have brought this up.

If my word as a Tron-Sector admin isn't good enough and you want to play it safe: use one of the online virus scanners as an alternative and scan that file again.

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Re: Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

on Tuesday, May, 04, 2010 2:09 AM

Yeah I figured since it's release, this would have been brought up by now. I guess it's luck on my part that I would stumble upon it

As far as I am concerned, this is a false-positive. I am however curious if the installer contains the "Setup Factory" that has been referred/mentioned on various sites. In other words, does the installer at some point modify temp files via the irsetup.exe?order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?

on Tuesday, May, 04, 2010 5:20 PM

There are trojans that try to pass themselves off as part of a legitimate installer, by taking the same name as an executable used in the installation process. In this particular case, irsetup.exe.

Again, if you submit the file to any online virus scanner, you'll find this is a false alarm.

Virustotal result - Clean
Jotti's malware scan result - Clean

In both cases, even the version of AVG they used reported the file as clean. Go figure.


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  Tron 2.0 
 Virus in TRON 2.0: KILLER APP 1.1 Mod?