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 ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

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ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

on Sunday, May, 02, 2010 5:30 PM
I have some ideas id like to draw up and send in would it be ok to donate them to you guys to make them possible add ins for the next tron expansion, hopefully.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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Posts: 4,467
Re: ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

on Monday, May, 03, 2010 4:45 PM

It's kind of hard to say at this point what the team at LDSO want to do next. We're not sure.

I know I'd like to keep working on the Killer App mod, to keep improving it a little more.

For anything else, it all kind of depends on how Tron Evolution turns out and whether Tron 2.0 remains popular or not. For the most part, it seems everyone on the team is waiting to see if creating new mods is possible for Evolution. If so, we might switch to Evolution for future projects.



Posts: 0
Re: ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

on Wednesday, May, 12, 2010 4:26 AM
oo coolies it would be an honor if i could post anything thta would give any ideas or for new subroutines and weapons also id be so happy to draw some up.


Posts: 135
Re: ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

on Thursday, May, 27, 2010 2:22 PM
Don't hold yourself back, if you want to draw or design something, why don't start. You're not dependent from LDSO anyone else. Maybe you can gain skills and be able to build something for yourself as well, or you can find others to build a team. Creativity shouldn't stop just with the idea, make something out of this motivation you have.


Posts: 9
Re: ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.

on Thursday, June, 10, 2010 12:23 PM
How about a neon light whip?abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

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  Tron 2.0 
 ne wpossible weapons for the next installment.