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 New to Tron 2.0

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 9:38 PM

NX11592 Wrote:I'm trying to install custom maps now with the rez handler, but it doesn't want to run. Because of a COMDLG32.OCX error saying its not registered and I try to but I get an error from that to. Could it be Windows 7 I just switched?
Read this message topic, on how to fix the problem.
You need to be running in Administrator mode to register the file from the command prompt. By default, Windows Vista and 7 don't give you Administrator privileges like XP did. That topic also explains how to run the command prompt in Administrator mode. Or else it won't work.

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Posts: 37
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 10:11 PM
Ok got it running, but when I try to add the archive file nothing happens doesn't extract any of the maps.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 10:28 PM

Can you be a bit more specific about what steps you're taking? And if you're getting any error messages?

Did you do an in-place upgrade from Vista to 7? It sounds like it. That's probably the reason you've been having some issues.

Also, remember that maps and mods are not the same thing. To install maps, you use the "Install Map .REZ File(s) from Archive" feature from the program's main menu. Then you navigate to the .ZIP/.RAR/.7Z and open it. Otherwise, it can look like the program did nothing, because it installed the maps as a mod instead. The program can't automatically tell maps and mods apart.

There's a guide here that shows how to install maps.



Posts: 37
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 10:33 PM
I had to uninstall REZ Handler, then I reinstalled. Now it works.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 10:38 PM

Yeah, I had a hunch that was it. The in-place upgrade from Vista to 7 messed things up a little. Reinstalling would cure all that, yep.

Good to know it's working again.


Jeric Hikari

Posts: 127
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Saturday, April, 24, 2010 9:53 PM
Good news bad news time.

Good News: Picked up a copy of the game at a yard sale on the cheap.

Bad news: It's throwing up an invalid cd key error on multiplayer. So... Figh! Oh well. single player is good and I can pick up another copy somewhere else.

Cheapie TheatreGot five minutes to kill? Want to read a story? Here ya go.


Posts: 385
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Saturday, April, 24, 2010 9:56 PM
Jeric Hikari Wrote:Good news bad news time.

Good News: Picked up a copy of the game at a yard sale on the cheap.

Bad news: It's throwing up an invalid cd key error on multiplayer. So... Figh! Oh well. single player is good and I can pick up another copy somewhere else.

have you tried reinstalling?

and do you have the latest patches?

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Jeric Hikari

Posts: 127
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Saturday, April, 24, 2010 10:39 PM
I have the 1.42c patch (BVG or something, has the tron ID disc logo for an icon.) Havne't tried reinstalling. Might do that tomorrow. Jsut figured I"d gotten a game from someone who hadn't uninstalled, or handed thier key out to cracking groups... or something. Single player works fine. I'ts when joining a multiplayer game that this pops up.

Ah well. Just gotta find a copy off amazon, shoudln't be too big a problem.

Cheapie TheatreGot five minutes to kill? Want to read a story? Here ya go.


Posts: 0
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Sunday, April, 25, 2010 12:01 AM
Jeric Hikari Wrote:Single player works fine. I'ts when joining a multiplayer game that this pops up.

I'm sure if you contact disney through the service dept on thier site they'll fix the problem.

Jeric Hikari

Posts: 127
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Sunday, April, 25, 2010 11:24 AM
somewhat skeptical there since mine was a yardsale find discs, no manual, SN written on a slip of paper in the case (they WERE the original discs though.... yes I've seen some people try selling burned stuff through yardsaling.)

but I guess it's wort ha shot.

Cheapie TheatreGot five minutes to kill? Want to read a story? Here ya go.


Posts: 385
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Sunday, April, 25, 2010 7:42 PM
usualy (and i have done it) you only get a bad serial number if the S/N is useing the master server other wise it would stop you before you install it, the S/N is linked to the disk

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Jeric Hikari

Posts: 127
Re: New to Tron 2.0

on Monday, April, 26, 2010 2:36 PM
So in other words I got shnuckered. Ah well. Only out two bucks. i can always find another copy.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Cheapie TheatreGot five minutes to kill? Want to read a story? Here ya go.

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