I was just thinking about the Logic Probe used in Tron, which translated into the system as a battering ram. I was wondering what other real-world electronic or computer items could be translated into tools, vehicles or equipment in the Tron universe?
I thought a particularly nasty item could be the electronic world's version of an EPROM or PROM burner. Looking a bit like a sarcophagus or an iron maiden.. the program would be inserted into the burner, the internal code of the program would be erased, leaving just the shell, and then the burner would insert brand new code into the shell.. Great for a quick and dirty way of creating warriors to do your bidding. Not so nice for the original program, though
Bah there are shades of this in the creation of the corrupted programs in Tron 2.0, come to think of it. As they say, nothing is original any more!
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