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 Tronlink problems

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Posts: 4,349
Tronlink problems

on Friday, May, 23, 2008 1:03 AM
I don't know how long this has been occuring, but in the last couple of months I've been having some problems with the Tronlink application for .

The startup section (where it shows all online Tronlink users) never shows any other players, and it always says "connecting". However, I can view the server list. Also, rantpack doesn't seem to work. I get some error whenever I try to use an audio rant in game.

Tronlink is a great tool for . I don't know if it's acting up on just my peice-of-scrapmetal PC or everyone's PC. I am running XP, and Tronlink has worked before, and I started getting these problems a few months ago (chiming in a little late...). The only thing I can think of that would be causing this would be some kind of a server error. Or maybe, a User Error?

Hehe, couldn't resist.

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 130
Re: Tronlink problems

on Friday, May, 23, 2008 9:58 AM
The problem is Daddyo...he couldn't design a paper plate without it spilling food in your lap.

Actually, I was going to ask him the same thing the other day, but then I realized that there probably aren't any other players on anyway since all of the servers are inactive.

I never understood why his Tronlink program wasn't embraced more by people that play the game. I visit a few different gaming forums quite frequently, and there's no one else out there that has come up with anything remotely as cool as what Daddyo put together for us. I hate to think that his work is under-appreciated, but it appears that way.


Posts: 456
Re: Tronlink problems

on Friday, May, 23, 2008 3:08 PM
Avi Wrote:he couldn't design a paper plate without it spilling food in your lap.
Yours was supposed to do that.

The server I've been renting has been worthless on support, so havent been able to support Tronlink for a while now. I'm looking for a new server, anyone interested? It can run on Windows, linux, Mac, unix, probably anything since I have both Windows server code & perl code.
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Posts: 130
Re: Tronlink problems

on Friday, May, 23, 2008 6:56 PM
Daddyo Wrote:
Yours was supposed to do that.
Well, it looks like you owe me a chicken sandwich, dude.

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  Tron 2.0 
 Tronlink problems