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 Rock Band vs. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Wii)

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Rock Band vs. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Wii)

on Wednesday, May, 14, 2008 2:52 PM
Personally, I'll probably end up getting Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, but anyways..

What will you or would you get next month on the Wii? GH:A and RB come out next month pretty close to each other, and with those two games being such big competitors, it may be a bit harder to decide.

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith will be mostly centric on Aerosmith, so people who don't like their music will probably want to stick with Rock Band because of it's more diverse song selection. GH:A will have online multiplayer, and you'll be able to chose your character. These features are not in the Wii version of RB, along with DLC, for this exact reason:

The idiot spokesman from Harmonix made the mistake of saying:
We figured that being able to create your character would ruin the quality of the game.

They also said:
The Wii's online functionality is yet to be fully realized, so we figured we'd leave online MP and DLC out, too.

How is including useful features that allow for advanced customization going to ruin a game? And if they have the power to "fully realize" the Wii's online capabilities, why not actually do it? EA's got their own servers that are practically lag-free, so no problem with online multiplayer at all.

I am proud to say that Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is not gimped at all like Wii and PS2 Rock Band. If you want a rythym game this summer for your Wii and hate Aerosmith, get Guitar Hero 3. It has online multiplayer (but no DLC). If you really want Rock Band and have a PS2, get it for your PS2. It's $10 cheaper for the exact same game. Wii guitar controllers for Guitar Hero (where you stick the Wiimote into the guitar) will not work with Wii Rock Band, but I have confirmed that PS2 Guitar Controllers will work with the PS2 version of Rock Band.

What do you all think? I'm definitely getting GH:A, and I've already got the PS2 version of Rock Band.

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 Rock Band vs. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Wii)