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 Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

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Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 12:04 PM
Hey guys, I have Tron2.0 for quite some time but I only got the chance to play it on 2008 =D
But I have a problem now which I can't figure out. I'm trying to get everything in the game, but there is something I can't do. On 'Primary Docking Port', once I destroy the four Stabilizing
Bits and get to the flying vehicle, I am asked to access as I/O node to get a second message from Alan. The problem is that the only I/O Node that i can find beyond this point is up in the sky. I think there is a problem in my game.
Here are some pictures someone help me?
Thanks in advance!


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Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 1:10 PM
I haven't played SP for a while, I remember this area. You have to survive the wraiths while attempting to open the docks, each time you move along more come at you. So, you've finished that part, then communicated w/ alan on that node in the screenshots, now what, you can't get back on the shuttlecraft and head back? it's a little sketchy for me since I played this is 2004.. I'd think there would be one elsewhere..


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Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 2:34 PM
Well...i can move to the next level and all, but i can't access the second I/O Node and because of that I can get 2 points to my version number. The I/O Node is up in the's impossible to reach it =\

Sector Admin

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Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 2:41 PM

Hi Ghostoso, and welcome to TRON-Sector.

Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen the I/O Node up in the sky like that. What I have witnessed before, is the Archive Bin with the e-mail way down low where you can't reach it.

I'm afraid the game has glitched on you. You can try loading the Autosave for this level, and see if the problem goes away. If not, you're going to need to load an earlier saved game.

Either way: you're going to have to start Primary Docking Port over again, sorry to say. Unless you can accept that you'll be missing build points at the end of the game.

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Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 2:47 PM
Unlucky man I am....The first time I did that level I didn't notice the I/O Node there and I entered the new level thinking the I/O Node would be there =\ I don't have any saved games before that...anyone got a save file for that point?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 3:01 PM

Try loading the Autosave first and see what happens. The game always does an automatic save when you enter a new level. Maybe it will clear the glitch.



Posts: 0
Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 3:07 PM
OK I'll try it...just to know, where the right I/O Node can be found? Is it in the same place as the glitched one but down in the ground?

Sector Admin

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Re: Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 3:59 PM
Ghostoso Wrote:Hey guys, I have Tron2.0 for quite some time but I only got the chance to play it on 2008 =D

Greetings, Ghostoso and welcome to TRON-Sector!

Sorry to hear that you're having troubles with the game, but I'm sure the advice you're getting will clear things up and allow you to enjoy the rest of the game. TRON 2.0 is one heck of a fun ride!

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name?


Don't forget to PING in every time you have yourself Another dose of TRON

I think you'll enjoy your time here at The Sector

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  Tron 2.0 
 Problems on 'Primary Docking Port'