death-program User
Posts: 0 | MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 3:19 PM
I think there should be a MMORPG. Just a thought. ------------------------------------------------------
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 3:20 PM
Getting a little bored there on Holiday Break, death-program?
death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 3:20 PM
Yes, why?
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 3:22 PM
Just seems like you might be .
As for a Tron MMORPG, I dont see it in the classical sense like a World Of Warcraft or Everquest. I dont think there is enough established "Lore" to support all the needed aspects of MMORPG's today (i.e. Group quests, crafting, Raids, deeds, traits, etc....)
I see it more like a "Second Life" or Sims environment... more open, just social etc. |
death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 3:24 PM
Well, yes. I recently finished the game PORTAL, and now I'm bored. That's a little off subject, though.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 8:05 PM
Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:
I see it more like a "Second Life" or Sims environment... more open, just social etc. |
But there are disc fights and such...
There's also a class system (programs, internal security, Fcon, virus). I think if anyone had the proper knowledge and tools, they could make a pretty good MMORPG.
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
Daddyo User
Posts: 456 | Re: MMORPG on Wednesday, January, 02, 2008 11:54 PM
Couldn't a second life area be made that's tron-like? (not knowing much about how it's done)where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: MMORPG on Thursday, January, 03, 2008 8:50 AM
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death-program User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Thursday, January, 03, 2008 11:46 AM
I want to join now...
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand trinary and those who don't. And those who confuse it with binary.
chaotichackx User
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Sunday, January, 20, 2008 12:21 PM
you know, there was going to be a real space paranoids mmorpg, but they shut it down because something went wrong with video games everywhere for some reason.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
PROGRAM: X, one of the best virus deleters out there! |
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
Posts: 0 | Re: MMORPG on Sunday, January, 20, 2008 5:25 PM
chaotichackx Wrote:you know, there was going to be a real space paranoids mmorpg, but they shut it down because something went wrong with video games everywhere for some reason. |
Greetings, chaotichackx and welcome to TRON-Sector!
A real Space Paranoids MMORPG that caused something to go wrong with video games everywhere? What? This is news to me. I'd love to learn more about this if you could post a link about it or point me in the right direction to learn more about what happened. I don't remember hearing anything about that in the past.
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