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 AIGH! Need help loading different maps!

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Posts: 234
AIGH! Need help loading different maps!

on Monday, January, 01, 2007 7:59 AM
OK, so I have REZ Handler loaded, and the latest commercial patch for the TRON 2.0 game loaded.

How in the Hell do I access new maps and other .rez files created outside the original commercial game package?

Is there a "REZ Handler for Dummies" guide somewhere?

This whole process is confusing and seems harder to figure out than it's worth!!


Posts: 70
Re: AIGH! Need help loading different maps!

on Monday, January, 01, 2007 8:42 AM
Did you also download the maps as well as there are quite a few.


Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: AIGH! Need help loading different maps!

on Monday, January, 01, 2007 7:18 PM

Did you read the readme that came with REZ Handler? It explains everything.

Still, let's see if I can explain this very simply.

After you install the program and run it, you go to the Main Menu. On that menu, you'll see an option called "Install Map .REZ File(s) From Archive". From that, you can install the maps you download. The program will extract the maps from the .ZIP, .RAR, etc. and put it in the right place for the game to see it.

TRON 2.0 has a stupid limitation where it can only handle 6 map packs (.REZ files), if you're using the Official Patch. The Unofficial Patch raises this limit to 13. REZ Handler automatically knows when you have too many map packs, and will disable some when necessary. This is to prevent the game from going haywire, which it will if there are too many map packs.

If you want to play the maps by yourself to check them out (most maps are Multiplayer, so they're not really meant to be played alone), visit this thread and read the advice in there on how to host a map so you can play it (scroll down the page a bit).
The next version of REZ Handler I'm working on (called - you guessed it - REZ Handler 2.0), will automate the entire process. The program will go out and automatically download maps, install them, yadda yadda yadda. This project is behind schedule, but not dead. I'm currently working on something else that has taken priority.

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  Tron 2.0 
 AIGH! Need help loading different maps!