Q: Was a TRON 2.0 Soundtrack CD released? Is there some place I can buy it?
A: Unfortunately, no. In their "wisdom", BVG decided not to release a Soundtrack CD officially.
Q: Is there no way at all, that I can listen to the soundtrack, outside of the game?
A: There is a way.
Visit this page, to read a tutorial that explains how to make your own Soundtrack CD. You will need a legitimately purchased copy of the PC version of TRON 2.0, in order to create a CD.
Q: Can I upload the music files I create somewhere, or share them with my friends or other Tron-Sector members?
A: No. Please don't do that. Messages posted here on Tron-Sector about sharing the music files or where to find them, will be edited or deleted. The music is copyrighted, and discussion about sharing it will cause legal issues for the site. But following the steps in the tutorial, is a completely legal way to enjoy the music outside the game.
The author of the tutorial (me) and the sites hosting or discussing it, do not take any responsibility for what you do with the music files. You have been adequately warned, so please play nice and only create the files for your own private enjoyment.
Here is a preview of the back cover artwork, that is included in the tutorial. Note that the track names contain spoilers, if you haven't played the game yet!