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 Help plz: Can´t delete the Buena Vista Folder

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Help plz: Can´t delete the Buena Vista Folder

on Saturday, April, 01, 2006 12:59 AM
Hallo, I need Help please. I unistalled Tron 2.0 and cannot delete the empty "Buena Vista Interaktive " Folder.

Does anyone know how to delete this Folder? I did alot of research online but nothing sems to work.

Your help would be very appreciated.

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Re: Help plz: Can´t delete the Buena Vista Folder

on Saturday, April, 01, 2006 1:46 AM

Amarth Wrote:Hallo, I need Help please. I unistalled Tron 2.0 and cannot delete the empty "Buena Vista Interaktive " Folder.
You uninstalled the game? Is this another April Fools joke? How could you?!

Does anyone know how to delete this Folder? I did alot of research online but nothing sems to work.
I'm not sure why you would be concerned, if the folder is indeed empty. Sure, it's kind of annoying to have an empty folder sitting on your hard drive that does you no good . . . but I don't see any reason for distress?

Just the same, here's what I suggest:

Did you reboot Windows after uninstalling the game? Sometimes uninstall routines don't complete until you reboot. Then the folder would disappear on its own.

If it's still there, use the DOS prompt or Command prompt.

In Windows 98/Me you would type:
deltree "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive"

In 2000/XP you would type:
rmdir /s "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive"

These commands should get rid of the folder.

Just BE CAREFUL when using these commands! Make a mistake, and you could delete the wrong folders and their contents.


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  Tron 2.0 
 Help plz: Can´t delete the Buena Vista Folder