KiaPurity User
Posts: 3,488 | Feelings about Starforce? on Friday, March, 24, 2006 4:54 PM
Or other similiar programs that are rather invasive ala Sony's Rootkit when it gets into your computer, it becomes highly difficult to remove...
I've been seeing a lot of gripes about starforce as of late. Apparently, the newest version of starforce forces your computer to reboot if it thinks you're doing anything wrong, like, burning a cd/dvd full of your personal data. I've also seen reports that previous versions of starforce has also screwed up burners, forcing them to run from their normal speed to 1x! (In this instance, some of the burners ended up being damaged from this due to the fact that it had been left that way for so long.)
Personally, I'm against piracy, but I feel that Starforce and things related may be going too far when it gets to the point that the computer ends up being physically damaged.
(And it's gotten so bad that starforce has actually told some game publishers to make their *own* starforce removal programs instead of creating one themselves. =/)
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TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Feelings about Starforce? on Friday, March, 24, 2006 7:03 PM
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kmon User
Posts: 191 | Re: Feelings about Starforce? on Friday, March, 24, 2006 10:58 PM
Most copy protection in general is evil. I can understand the devolpers wanting to reduce piracy. But they are seriously cutting into personal liberties when they force you to disable programs..or the rootkit buisness. Makes you really appreciate Bethesda releasing oblivion with no protection on this disc. I always make backups of discs. No matter the copy protection, its usually pretty easy to work around the protection anyway.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
^^ Full tower gamer ^^
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Feelings about Starforce? on Friday, March, 24, 2006 11:58 PM
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
Posts: 0 | Re: Feelings about Starforce? on Saturday, March, 25, 2006 7:52 PM
Geez - I had never heard of this before, but it does indeed sound very evil.
I agree that developers have gone too far in trying to protect their copyrighted material from piracy. It is ridiculous that they have gone to this measure.
The thing is that pirates will ALWAYS be able to pirate software. That is what they do. Once can only slow them down a little - not stop them. That's never going to change. The harder developers make it to pirate things, the more legitimate, money-paying customers they will piss off in the process.
I would not allow such software to be installed on my computer - as this Starforce thing is. If I bought something that included this kind of copyright protection, it would be going back to the store. If I was naive enough to install it on my computer BEFORE realizing what it really did, I would be giving their customer support as much trouble as it took for them to explain to me how to FULLY remove it from my system WITHOUT damaging anything else.
This is really awful.
Compucore User
Posts: 4,450 | Re: Feelings about Starforce? on Saturday, March, 25, 2006 9:15 PM
There is that There Todd. And there is another way of doing it too. And it is also a legit as well under the GNU licensing. And that is going under linux. Where it is open source and there is nothing to hide. Yes there is still proprietary software under the unix/linux depedning on software in question. But those are for specific application out there for things that are specific to certain industries. But most other software that are out that is readily available for the typcial end user. And I don't want to try and convert you over to linux. I just want to let you know just as another alternative. There are also other free operating systems out there that you can freely download. So its not a total loss. I love my Ubuntu linux on my other Dell computer here as a nice alternative to my windows machine. I mean There is a lot more software out there that I never seen or used yet that I can easily download and have fun with. I have not gone through the whole repository from Ubuntu yet. And there is still Dabien still to go through to see what is there. (Which is where this vertsion of linux is dirrived from based on the Dabien distrobution. )
TheReelTodd Wrote:Geez - I had never heard of this before, but it does indeed sound very evil.
I agree that developers have gone too far in trying to protect their copyrighted material from piracy. It is ridiculous that they have gone to this measure.
The thing is that pirates will ALWAYS be able to pirate software. That is what they do. Once can only slow them down a little - not stop them. That's never going to change. The harder developers make it to pirate things, the more legitimate, money-paying customers they will piss off in the process.
I would not allow such software to be installed on my computer - as this Starforce thing is. If I bought something that included this kind of copyright protection, it would be going back to the store. If I was naive enough to install it on my computer BEFORE realizing what it really did, I would be giving their customer support as much trouble as it took for them to explain to me how to FULLY remove it from my system WITHOUT damaging anything else.
This is really awful.
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