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 The Original Encom Server

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The Original Encom Server

on Wednesday, January, 11, 2006 6:32 PM
Is it just me, or does the original Encom Mainframe seem a little...modern? Like, why are there I/O nodes? Didn't they use I/O towers in the movie? And the programs didn't seem any different than the ones you encounter on modern computers.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


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Re: The Original Encom Server

on Wednesday, January, 11, 2006 9:45 PM
Yeah, I see what you mean. Allen's computer containing I-no was the last remenant of something you may see in TRON, but not exactly what you'd expect. (assuming we're talking about what the guts of the game look like)

I dont think the game reflects anything original, except the character I-no stating his age, and parallels to make the computer world seem Tron.
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Posts: 549
Re: The Original Encom Server

on Friday, July, 21, 2006 8:15 PM
I was reading through the posts and read a full topic on this. And here is my interpretation of the information that I've read and have seen in the game:

To some, people believe that the old Encom server is the same one from the movie. It's not, or at least that's what I believe. In the film, we see the "whole network mainframe" as it were in 1982. That means that the computer systems we see in the room that Flynn and Lora go through when they are sneaking through is the mainframe for the entire company, thus what we see on both the outside and in.

There are e-mails scattered throughout the inside of the systems that you encounter in the game, one of them is dated 1990. This leads me to believe two things: 1. that Flynn and Alan started up a new server just for programming that is seperate from the main network mainframe (this is probably Alan's idea because of what we see happen in the film, where Alan's level access is denied and he is not allowed access to his program file. He probably thought the idea of a seperate programing network server independent of the main network would avoid any similar hacking interruptions ala Flynn at the start of the film) 2. that the last update could very well be between 1990 and 1998/9 (seriously, how many updates can an old server take before the hardware is considered obsolete? Plenty, I'm sure of).

Again, this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

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Posts: 4,467
Re: The Original Encom Server

on Friday, July, 21, 2006 10:28 PM

I think CB2001 is pretty close with his line of thinking. The system in the game is not the same one as in the film. Encom has multiple computer systems, linked together. The system Jet visited in particular - EN12-82 - seems to have been used and had some upgrades done, well into the early 90s before it was finally mothballed. (Hence e-mails on the system mentioning later events, after the time of the film.)

So that would explain the I/O Nodes instead of I/O Towers. It also explains what TRON Legacy is doing there. If I remember right, TRON Legacy was finally abandoned a few years after 1982, according to the e-mails between Fylnn and Alan.

I still wish there had been at least one point where you used an I/O Tower, though.

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Posts: 549
Re: The Original Encom Server

on Saturday, July, 22, 2006 4:30 AM
Hey redrain85.

Yeah, three of the e-mails that are found on Alan's computer (and I had to go through a lot of pain and misery to get them, even on the easy setting) had Flynn regretting to inform Alan of the cancellation of the Tron Legacy program and Alan replied about not having to like leaving things half finished (though it was Flynn who requested the creation of Tron Legacy).

Also, it would help partly explain why the overclocking was necessary for Ma3a to be able to be on the server. Her program required necessary power to function (trust me, have you played an old video game made for a 386 on a current motherboard? Trust me, the game plays so fast, it's enough to give you a headache! If that is true for old software on new computers, then having to overclock the system for Ma3a is more likely true, because it is the reverse). It'd be like trying to run Windows XP on a laptop from 1995.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


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Re: The Original Encom Server

on Thursday, August, 10, 2006 1:46 PM
Funny yeah, 1980-2006, I mean 26 years and what has happened to computers in that time is mind numbing.

I guess you have to get the flavour of what is meant and not be overly picky of the details.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 948
Re: The Original Encom Server

on Tuesday, August, 15, 2006 11:59 AM
There is something called upgrades you know. Perhaps the old system was upgraded several times before it was passed up for the new Encom server? Maybe thats why the old system looks slightly new.


Posts: 0
Re: The Original Encom Server

on Thursday, August, 17, 2006 1:28 PM
True about upgrades. You have to take somethings on faith and don't put to much into them.

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  Tron 2.0 
 The Original Encom Server