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 MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

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MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Sunday, January, 08, 2006 5:30 PM
...were a WONDER FEST Exclusive, at average $100 a pop, are these things cool?

A disney collector at work bought one and it got deformed from heat this summer in shipping.

how is the quality of vinyl/detail? i know they're vintage style but its tough to tell from online photos.

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Wow, That's So Tron.

Posts: 5,314
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Sunday, January, 08, 2006 6:01 PM
They are rather funny looking up close, so they mainly appear to completists like me and TRONProgram. I think they are pretty neat despite their weird shape.



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Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Tuesday, January, 10, 2006 8:33 PM
Dave, as always, thanks!!!!!!

Wow, That's So Tron.

Posts: 5,314
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Wednesday, January, 11, 2006 12:45 AM
If you want pics let me know. Mine are still in their bags, but I can get some detail shots.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion



Posts: 1,230
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Wednesday, January, 11, 2006 9:31 AM
DaveTRON Wrote:If you want pics let me know. Mine are still in their bags, but I can get some detail shots.

I'm curious to see what we're talking about. So I'd certainy be interested in seeing pics.



Posts: 4
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Friday, February, 17, 2006 12:42 PM

Collect toys? If so then check out the forums at and view the largest online toy database anywhere on the net.

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Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Sunday, February, 19, 2006 4:08 PM
Sorry for being so late with these photos... maybe you've found out what we were talking about already. but here they are (taken from ebay auction):

...these guys are very cool. and very expensive, average about $90-100 US each. I've passed for now. There are other TRON things i need more... kubrick sets... (drool)....

Wow, That's So Tron.

Posts: 1,230
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Sunday, February, 19, 2006 4:55 PM
HSBUser Wrote:Sorry for being so late with these photos... maybe you've found out what we were talking about already. but here they are (taken from ebay auction):

Cool. Nope... this is the first I've seen of these.

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Posts: 4
Re: MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys

on Monday, February, 27, 2006 12:59 PM
HSBUser Wrote:
A disney collector at work bought one and it got deformed from heat this summer in shipping.

how is the quality of vinyl/detail? i know they're vintage style but its tough to tell from online photos.

love again!

Hmmm, I'm not sure what happened when I replied the other day but it looks like my response was wiped.

I just have to comment on the above though. First off, there is absolutely NO WAY IN THE WORLD these figures would melt during normal shipping. The vinyl on these figures is so thick that it's almost not pliable to start with. The vinyl is very thick and the paint jobs are exceptional. Although the figures may look a little odd to some, I think they are an uber-cool representation of Tron gone 'manga'. They are easily my favorite non-vintage Tron pieces.

...these guys are very cool. and very expensive, average about $90-100 US each.

Prices on them have come down a bit in the last couple of years. I have two sets and was thinking about selling my extra (did I mention I really love these things ). If anyone is interested I would sell the set for $90 shipped and insured.


Collect toys? If so then check out the forums at and view the largest online toy database anywhere on the net.
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 MEDICOM TRON Large Size Vinyl toys