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 Game Sound not Working Properly

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Game Sound not Working Properly

on Wednesday, December, 07, 2005 11:54 PM
I am having problems with the sound when playing Tron 2.0. When I get to the level where I just finished driving around in those bikes and then Mercury knocks over a pillar and you get out, and escape. Well anyways I've freed that guy. Well when I get to the next level called Prisoner Bin, the sound just goes very slow. And when I go to that little intercom type thing to talk to mercury, there is no voice. Anyways the game runs fine except the sound after that. It's like having someone talk in really slow motion.

My computer can run any game out there now.

But here are my specs:

3.6 GHz
2 GB DDR Ram
250 GB Hardrive
256 MB Graphics Card
And I'm not to sure what my Sound Card is.
Windows XP Pro with SP 2, and all other updates. And all my drivers are up to date.

I downloaded the last patch from Gamespot:

I have the game set to the max that it can get. And only when I got to this level (Prisoner Bin) did this happen.

So any help would greatly be appreciated!


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Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 12:41 AM
I have some more comments about this. I went to this website:, and I went to Troubleshooting>Sound Problems, anyways it says to find

# Look for l3codecp.acm.
# Again, rename it to something like l3codecp.old.

# Look for l3codecx.acm.
# Rename it to l3codecx.old.

# Look for lameacm.acm.
# Rename it to lameacm.old.

# Finally, look for imaadp32.acm.
# Rename it to imaadp32.old.

Well I don't have l3codecx.acm and lameacm.acm. So that may be the problem right there. If someone would be so kind and to upload these 2 file for me. They files are in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. You could go to upload the files and post the links.

Thanks in advance.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 12:57 AM

Try running the WMFADist.exe program in the Tron 2.0 game directory, and see if it makes a difference.

You don't need/want those files I mentioned in the FAQ, because they are what could interfere with the game. The point of renaming them is to disable them so they aren't used.

EDIT: I edited my response because I read the message too quickly, and my answer was not correct.



Posts: 0
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 1:01 AM
Thank you for replying! I've installed it about 5 times. I've even unistalled and reistalled the game. I was however able to find those two files that I mentioned in the last thread. But nothing has changed. where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 1:10 AM

Try disabling hardware sound acceleration. Instructions for that are in the same place where you read the other advice. There are two methods listed on the page, to disable hardware acceleration. Try them both.

Nine times out of ten, this problem is either caused by a codec pack like Ace, Nemo, Tsunami or poorly written sound drivers by the sound card/chip manufacturer. See if there are perhaps updated sound drivers for your computer.



Posts: 0
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 1:21 AM
Here's what I did, I Set EAX to No, and I diabled Harware sound. But this still happens. Is that what I was supposed to do?


Posts: 0
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 2:09 AM
Wow thanks to this amazing community and that faq page I got it fixed. I used the Direct X tool and took my sound harware acceleration all the way down, and it's working fine now.

But after I opened up iTunes and started up a song. I almost had a heart attack, because it was freaky listening to that song without hardware acceleration.

Anyways thank you very very much, but why did this only happen when I was getting far into the game?order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Game Sound not Working Properly

on Thursday, December, 08, 2005 2:42 AM

knightinarms Wrote:Anyways thank you very very much, but why did this only happen when I was getting far into the game?
Don't know, honestly. Again, I pin it down to what are probably badly written sound drivers.

Glad to see my FAQ is still helping people.


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  Tron 2.0 
 Game Sound not Working Properly