H-D Disk User
 Posts: 0 | Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 11:20 AM
Sark is giving the gamegrid championship 3 lightcycle's each area by the square area 1 3 Lightcycle blue's, area 2 3 Lightcycle Yellow, Orange and Red, Area 3 3 Lightcycle Blue's and area 4 Lightcycle Yellow, Orange And Red for to win 6 games in the rollorder abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill
My custom is henry doonan I was born 1985, since I played Space Paranoids on PC in latest 2002
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 2:45 PM
Welcome back Henry.
Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 2:46 PM
Hey! Is this a math question? Well! I think that the answer is PIE! It mush be PIE! It's the only tasty answer!
Okay, now here's my question: What do you get when you have 3 Zebra light cycles plus one chocolate google divided by the square root of a Sark mutliplied by pie mutliplied by Tronfininty divided by the sum of two very odd numbers that need to be arrested plus three angry celphones in wonkey brackets?
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What should I put here today?
Prankster bit User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 3:47 PM
Dr Evil's going to have a field day!order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online words of wisdom from...
PranKsTeR BiT V2.0
Compucore User
 Posts: 4,450 | Re: Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 5:37 PM
Wasn't there someone working on this a number of years ago with a computer to see how far it woudl take to reach Pi?? I remember hearing about this and some one had wrote a program just to do that. For fun for some odd reason. ANd it was still running in the trillions of some sort. I don't remember teh exact details about it..
Prankster bit Wrote: PI!
Dr Evil's going to have a field day! |
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End of line
To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: Lightcycle on Thursday, November, 24, 2005 8:32 PM
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FreedomForever User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Lightcycle on Friday, November, 25, 2005 2:07 PM
While girdbugs waggle let Sark's ears tell that you are pink unless Thorne can dance the hula before tomorrow's lightcycle and Clu juggles a byte!
Nikster User
 Posts: 2,691 | Re: Lightcycle on Monday, November, 28, 2005 5:06 PM
I want vodka.
"The flippity on the google loads the Flynn to the disc battles the guy bad. Day wins. Said nuff!" - DaveTRON
Jack Thompson is to attorneys what Fred Phelps is to organized religion - Me
Boingo_Buzzard User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Lightcycle on Monday, November, 28, 2005 5:25 PM
Since they make all sorts of different types/flavors of vodka they should make a Tron one that looks like the liquid from the energy pool
Kamui User
 Posts: 0 | Re: Lightcycle on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:34 PM
Nikster Wrote:I want vodka. |
*Steals vodka and teases everyone with it* It's a one way trip to insanity!
What should I put here today?