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  Tron 2.0 
 So what's the deal? Expanded Universe

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Program BASIC

Posts: 148
So what's the deal? Expanded Universe

on Wednesday, March, 16, 2005 4:04 AM
Fellow Programs,

Keep in mind I purchased an ORIGINAL copy of 'TRON 2.0' in December, but never had the chance to play it! I have to buy a new PC in order to do that, mine is flawed, so I'm still waiting to grab an additional quantity of money to "expand" my Electronic Universe!

So much for the history.

What's the deal with 'TRON 2.0'? How did they manage to "expand" the TRON universe? What's about Internet? Did we see any Program performing his function? Did we discover more about the life of the Conscripts? About the whole process of digitalization?

Definitely, I wanna know if 'TRON 2.0' enlights us about the many obscure points of the original movie, and please, "spoil" them to me! Tell me please!

is program's best friend. Don't betray it --- NEVER!
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: So what's the deal? Expanded Universe

on Thursday, March, 17, 2005 1:28 AM

Don't worry, perfectly shows us how the Internet would be treated in the Tron universe, the life of programs, and other points. It's a semi-sequel to the film. I'm sure you'll go nuts when you get to play it.

The Firewall level alone, is worth the price of admission.



Posts: 4,450
Re: So what's the deal? Expanded Universe

on Thursday, March, 17, 2005 7:10 AM
I know I'm still going nute with it over here. I'm playing it for the 18 time over here. Trying to find every nook and cranny of the world. And there is a lot more to still discover there.

2 Legit 2 quit

End of line



To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.

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  Tron 2.0 
 So what's the deal? Expanded Universe