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 Classic TRON glitches on GBA

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Classic TRON glitches on GBA

on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 11:59 AM
Well, I got TRON KILLER APP for GBA for Christmas and so far I like the game. I'm a big fan of the original arcade games so I was very excited about this title.

However neither of the classic games work without considerable glitches. First off I noticed that the audio is much quieter than the rest of the game - at least most of the time - It was loud once. When playing TRON, the grid bug music sometimes stops during play. Sometimes certain sounds/music don't play at all - and sometimes they do... In the end, TRON is playable.
With DOT, the GBA has a hard time whenever there are more than three discs flying on the screen - It bogs down and plays very slow until the number of discs on the screen diminish.
As far a nits, I really miss Sarks taunts - The game seems to pause for the would-be Sarks statements during the game - "I don't know how you survived, slave" and the opening "Greetings, Master Control has chosen you..."
All in all, I'm glad they got these games to work on the GBA platform - now to work on my coordination...

Has anyone else had music/speed issues with the classic TRON games?


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  Tron 2.0 
 Classic TRON glitches on GBA