The PimpDragon User
Posts: 652 | X-Box Live Gamer Tags for Tron 2.0 on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 8:38 AM
Since many of you got Tron 2.0 for the holidays, let's get together on X-Box Live and journey to the Game Grid!
Maybe we can all pick a night a week to get together and play? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?
Well, my Gamer Tag is - surprise, surprise - The PimpDragon (spelled and spaced EXACTLY like I just typed it).
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TheReelTodd Sector Admin
Posts: 0 | Re: X-Box Live Gamer Tags for Tron 2.0 on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 11:38 AM
I'd join you... if I had an X-Box. Unfortunately I do not. I came dangerously close to buying one when Killer App came out for the X-Box, but finances are tight right now and I could not.
I really wanted to play light cycles on X-Box live because EVERYONE has the exact same hardware and there would be no advantages because of people's computers and equipment. Granted my biggest shortcoming in online PC light cycles is my generally poor reflexes, but an even playing field is always a good thing
There's got to be other X-Boxers around The Sector though. Hopefully you guys can hook up and hit the game grid, X-Box style-ee!
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The PimpDragon User
Posts: 652 | Re: X-Box Live Gamer Tags for Tron 2.0 on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 12:44 PM
Well, I hope that one day you can join me on X-Box Live, Todd! If I had the extra cash, I'd gladly buy you an X-Box and Tron 2.0!
But, alas, I don't.
But if I win the Powerball.......
But I agree with what you said - on a console, everyone is on an even playing field. No one has an advantage of better hardware.
Plus, I can play my X-Box on my 48" widescreen TV! My current monitor just wouldn't cut it!
Any other X-Box Livers out there?
DJ Aussie E. User
Posts: 359 | Re: X-Box Live Gamer Tags for Tron 2.0 on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 2:04 PM
Aussie Evil