Red5 User
Posts: 29 | Tron costume on Thursday, December, 16, 2004 7:45 PM
I have an (exact) replica of Flynn's warrior costume. It was made by Hilary MacDonald - who was a costume designer on Star Wars - and is the real deal. I'm too flabby to wear it, and I could do with shifting it on; so if anyone wants to purchase it, feel free. It's £500 plus postage and packaging. Leave your note of interest here. Thanks!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online cytotec abortion
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Tron costume on Thursday, December, 16, 2004 11:58 PM
How about uploading a picture? Use the new Member Uploads feature and I can add it to your post for folks to see.
Red5 User
Posts: 29 | Re: Tron costume on Friday, December, 17, 2004 7:04 AM
Cool. I'll get round to it.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Tron costume on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 3:33 PM
Any news on pics of this costume Red5?
Red5 User
Posts: 29 | Re: Tron costume on Wednesday, January, 05, 2005 12:18 AM
I still don't have a digital camera/access to one. Therfore, it could be a while before I can upload pix of it. However, I'm expecting a lavish advance for my next book at the end of February, so perhaps I'll treat myself and purchase one then.
I only have the top half of the suit (Flynn's); it's - and I'm not boasting here - far superior to anything I've ever seen anyone else come up with (no offence to anyone who has constructed their own suit); and unless I lose a few pounds, I won't be wearing anytime soon.
Liposuction - it's the only way.
Hope to bring some photo's of it to y'all soon.