My pre-ordered copy arrived this past Monday, and what I've played so far is excellent. Monolith did an excellent job of following the movie’s lead and creating a believable digital world. It is, at its heart, a straightforward FPS, but the environments, and production value are great and live up to Monolith's standards (if you want to try another great game by Monolith I highly recommend
Alien vs. Predator 2). The environments (and how you interact with them), as well as the production values that went into this game actually help overshadow the fact that the game is a basic FPS.
The sound effects and background music are a nicely done and help make this feel like a sequel to the movie. Admittedly the music falls a little flat at times compared to Wendy Carlos’ original score, but it echoes of Wendy’s work nicely. The sound effects are damned near dead on, and there is something so satisfying about the sound of an opponent de-rezzing.
So far I like the fact that Tron 2.0 isn't marred by huge puzzles (I’m much more of an action oriented person when it comes to gaming), and I love the idea of playing in first person... what better way to immerse a player in the digital universe of Tron.
So far, the only complaint that I have is that the disc isn't as maneuverable as I would like, which IMO takes away from some of the weapon's grace and style. Other than that I absolutely love the game!
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