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 CANON question for the dev team --> rod primative

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Tron Fanatic

Posts: 1,461
CANON question for the dev team --> rod primative

on Friday, April, 16, 2004 11:38 AM
I've got a technical question about how the rod officially works. I notice in the game that attacking with the basic rod involves jabbing a target with both halves, and the two ends come very close together for the attack. Does it need to be used exactly in this way? Now based on this I'm guessing that it works similar to a real-world taser, and has a positive and a negative electrode.

But just to be sure about this, I have two questions about it. Could one also successfully attack with it if both ends touch the target but not in such close proximity - sich as jamming one into someone's foot and the other into the arm (don't know why one would choose to do it this way but just in case).

Also, (though I find it unlikely) would there be any effect caused by hitting an opponent with only one end of the rod?


Posts: 1,608
Re: CANON question for the dev team --> rod primative

on Sunday, April, 25, 2004 1:13 AM
I'm not a member of the team, but I've got a pretty good imagination, so I'll give it a whirl.

When you bring the ends of the RP together, their electricity jumps and they complete the circuit. Now while it would theoetically be correct that you could touch a program on the hand and foot and complete the circuit, it's not practical. If you hit a program with only one end, the circuit isn't complete and it gets grounded.

On a side note, Mercury was able to use hers like escrimina sticks becasue that's the subroutine she downloaded for them. Jet got the Suffusion and LOL routines instead.

Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there.

Tron Fanatic

Posts: 1,461
Re: CANON question for the dev team --> rod primative

on Monday, April, 26, 2004 1:44 PM
I was looking at it again, with what happens when I have the ends together even if there isn't a target to hit - yes, it seems like they MUST touch in order for anything to happen. It seems suggestive that it's more the energy produced after the circuit is completed that causes damage to anyone coming in contact with it.

As for Mercury's skills with the rod, I think she just has ridiculously overpowered combat skills. She is a bot after all and they have a tendancy to be VERY hard to kill. And I seem to remember a few kicks from her that derezzed some Thornies just as easily. I'm glad Jet didn't tick her off...order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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 CANON question for the dev team --> rod primative