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 Is there a limited amount of combat training bots?

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Ghost Rider

Posts: 155
Is there a limited amount of combat training bots?

on Saturday, January, 10, 2004 11:45 PM
In the beginning when you get your disc, you get to take the combat training if you choose.

Ive experimented many times and ahve gotten the timing down to where my disc decapitates the bot after he rezzes in, I then hit theswitch and spawn another and repeat.

BUT sometimes Im fast enough to hit the bot just after the rez in began, thereby derzzing him and somehow locking the spawn button so that I cannot spawn in another. In essence I broke the trainer. This has happened after facing various numbers of training bots from 5 to 30.

So aside from breaking the trainer is there an actual limit before it shuts off or no?


Posts: 512
Re: Is there a limited amount of combat training bots?

on Sunday, January, 11, 2004 9:28 AM
I've never ran out of bots. But then again, I've never summoned more than 15 or so...abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Don't you wish your corruption was hot like me?
Ghost Rider

Posts: 155
Re: Is there a limited amount of combat training bots?

on Monday, January, 12, 2004 5:10 AM
Ok its official, you CAN break the combat training program

Time it so that your disc tears thru the ICP as it rezzes in and you may find that the control to spawn another is now jammed an unresponsive.

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  Tron 2.0 
 Is there a limited amount of combat training bots?